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Beau's Feather Progress


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Oh my goodness Robin - Beau looks like a totally different bird! He is looking so pleased with himself - and you should be so proud of yourself too!


Is that a flight feather coming in on the bottom photo? What an accomplishment! Thanks for the update Robin ~ he's beautiful. :)

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Beau has 3 flights coming in on his right wing. Recap of what happened, Beau suffered an injury which caused him to pluck his chest completely bare. He had also plucked most of his back feathers out and had chewed his right wing to the point of complete destruction. His vet removed 22 flights and secondary feathers from his right wing in an effort to promote new growth. This is our progress from that point in October.

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Beau is looking good Robin, what an improvement he has made and in a few months time he will be so handsome, what an accomplishment this must be for you Robin, you should be very proud of yourself and of Beau.


Thanks for the pictures and can't wait to see an update soon with more feathers coming in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you to everyone! I'll be very honest, it has taken a lot of work to get Beau to this point, but it is the members of this board who are the real champions and hero's here, not me. Without your devotion to me, Beau and Grey's in general I would not have had the patience and encouragement I needed to see Beau through to the progress he has seen. Your expertise has allowed me the confidence to make sure Beau is a happy, healthy little bird and he is that. Yes, I guess he has a pet in Blue (or is Blue's pet) and he is playing and cheaping on a regular basis. His favorite thing to do is sit on my keyboard and get scratches. The hardest part of all of this is to make sure I'm diligent in keeping him out of his cage as much as possible to prevent the behavior from returning, bathing and misting him daily (thanks Dave) and watching his diet. The easiest part is giving him love, which he soaks up by the minute.

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It's amazing how much difference feathers on a wing can mean to a bird. Beau's problems with his right wing having no flights or secondary feathers has created major issues with balance, thus he doesn't do a lot of the same things Dixie does. He can't go from room to room on my shoulder, I have to carry him close to my body when he's on my fingers, and when misting or bathing I have to keep him steady. With the new flights coming in, as they get longer, his balance is improving tremendously. This has gone a long way to improving his independence and confidence.


The last week has brought about more independence in exploring his cage and toys while I'm in my office. Generally he wants only to wander the floor, sit on my desk, shoulder, or the playstand. He does play with a few toys on the floor, but today he's much more active on his cage, going up and down his boing, and actually reaching down for things and playing and chewing. It seems his interest is peaked as his balance is improved. I'm so proud of Beau!



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Being that Beau and Dixie are both southern my first thought was castor oil after reading your comments Dave, but that was a cure my grandmother used for me and one I hated. We southerner's love olive oil so olive oil it will be! Thanks for the tip, I'm sure Beau will love it and I have plenty in the pantry!


Thanks everyone, it has been a labor of love, one I would gladly do all over again, I never knew the joy of cuddles from a baby grey so I have been rewarded more than ever thought or expected. The feathers coming back in and his personality are just icing on the cake.



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Dave007 wrote:


You should put some olive oil on his beak, and definitely on the walls if the lower mandible. For his age, that area is a bit to dry. You can also use aloe gel but use the olive oil if he's Italian.


Dave can olive oil be used on the body also for dryness instead of aloe gel? I have been using aloe gel for Rishi but it doesn't seem to be helping.

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