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How do they re-learn to fly?


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Thats a wonderful update on Dixie. The ability to gain altitude shows she is already building muscle mass.


It is a pain sometimes when they fly into forbidden territory, but you dealt with it perfectly. :-)


I would love to see a video of her new upside down antics. :-)

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Someone has taken my lovely sweet Dixie and left Jill's Harvey here! Dixie was sitting with LP this afternoon on the sofa in the living room - not a room she is usually in with out my hubby - but not one that's foreign to her. From the sofa Dixie flew to the top of the curtains - about 15 feet away. This was a major distance for the change in altitude that was required to reach the top of the curtains and something new for Dixie. While I wasn't overly happy she was on the curtains, it didn't really bother me. I asked her to step up and she did, very quickly. Or at least I thought it was Dixie. It was time to go back to her cage (I had to leave shortly) so off to my office we go. Seemed like the same Dixie I've always had.......until.


I opened the cage door, and every time I would get her near her perch, flop, backwards she would go. This happened at least 4 times. The worst part was she wanted to hold onto my finger with her beak!, and it hurt! I finally got her on her perch, and was closing the door and this precious little face looks up at me and says, ever so sweetly "Help!". What am I going to do with her??? Lol!



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