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I just wanted to give you a quick update on Tully my latest addition who is a 7 year old rehome I adopted last week.


He is doing just fantastic,and I have to say its the most rewarding thing I have done.

Yes its hard work and lots of changes have been made, but I am so pleased he is now part of my family.


He has had a vets visit today and had various tests done, just got to wait for the results now. He weighed in at a good 520 and the vet says he looks in good condition considering his past diet. I have also had his leg band removed whilst he was under.


He has just had a snooze and is now singing away, we have a long way to go but this fella is a wonderful addition to my grey and human family, I love him to bits already:)

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Here is my little fella.






I feel very confident in helping this little guy. I dont think he has had a bath in a long time, definetly not had fruits or veggies, lets hope in a years time the pictures will tell a different story!:)

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I'll just bet in a years time or less Tully will be a different looking bird, fully feathered and spoiled rotten like the other three you have Caroline.


I am so proud that you could take Tully in and give him a good forever home and hope all his tests come back that he is just fine.


Thanks for sharing a couple of pics with us.

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