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Please help me make this important decision.


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Hello everyone, I have a 3 year old African Grey Congo Ollie and just adore him. I have been trying to decide if I should buy another African Grey and if so if I should get a baby or another adult? Ollie is 3 years old now but I always wonder if Ollie would be happier if he had another bird with him?


Having 2 birds together does it change their personality?


Also if you think it would make him happier should I get a baby since Ollie is so passive or should I adopt an adult?

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There is no guarantee that a grey will get along with another.


Since you just recently got Ollie at 3 years old and he is getting used to the new home and flock. I would at least wait and see how he progresses and becomes a true full flock member.


Another grey at this point would take the attention you are giving to Ollie and be redirected at the new baby or adult grey you would bring home. This could seriously damage the relationship you have started building and slow it down tremendously.

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One can never tell before you bring in a new bird if that will be a harmonious thing or just be a disaster. Each bird has it's own personality and reacts as an individual to new situations. Like us it could be love at first sight in which you may be the odd one out, or it could be a competitive bickering relationship. They could be friends or the could require a referee.

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Hello everyone, Well I think the decision was kind of made for me. Yesterday my friend was told they were getting deployed and has an incredibly sweet blue 9month old quaker that she just loves and can't take him or her(hasn't been DNA'd) with her. So I have the quaker in my office (DEFINITELY IN A SEPERATE CAGE) but in the same room as Oliver. Oliver (my Grey) really likes the quaker and hates when I bring him in the other room away from the little quaker. so I put Ollie next to my desk on his play stand and the quaker in her big cage...then I will rotate handling them all day in and out of their cages. They actually said Hello to each other...then the quaker looked at Ollie and said "What??" Ollie just laughed at the quaker. It was pretty cute. Let me know your thoughts

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Seems that they may be a fun flock! Since their sizes are so different I would not encourage any close interaction, they are so fast and it is easy to loose a toe. Those Quakers are like the little dog that thinks it is a Rottweiler-no fear and very little respect for the armament of others. Well done so far! Will be interested in hearing more of their conversations.

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I'm so happy for you that this is working out well. You really never know how a bird will react to having some competition for your attention. Seems like Ollie and his new Quaker friend will do well together. I would be certain to supervise them closely if you do allow them out at the same time and be ready to intervene if necessary. Hope you enjoy your new companion!

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That's so cute! I'm glad it worked out!


We've tried to pair up our fids and it's turned out well. We know there are going to be days where we'll be gone at work for 8 hours (that hasn't happened much over the last year) and we want to make sure they each have a buddy for those long days.

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Well congratulations on the new addition to your flock!!! Isn't it strange how things work out!!!! What is your quaker's name, and how old is she/he?? I look forward to seeing some pictures in the Other Bird Room! Congratulations and karma for taking in an older fid!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/01/20 02:28

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