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Video - Dayo Rambling


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Dayo, as all Greys will just sit, relax and start going through some words, phrases, sounds etc. for no reason other than to practice and amuse themselves.


This video is 8 minutes long and has a lot of stuff in it. At 5:45 he sings an itsy bit.


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Dave - Dayo has a problem with the guitar. Trying to hold it with one foot and using his beak as pick muffles his voice to the point he no longer sounds like me, oops I mean Johnny Cash. Plus, it's so small it sounds like a kids toy :P


Judy - Yes that was Bentley growling at Chloe. She had walked into view and was doing her best "Come over here Big Boy moves" and he was telling her not know...I gotta headache from this annoying bird. :P


Ashley - I am glad to hear Grumpy was interested. Most Greys do pay attention to videos of others. :-)


Jill - Thanks! Now I ignore his "Cracker" requests. Since giving him one the other night when he so annoyingly asked, he is using it almost non-stop!! Now I just say "No Cracker", then "Come here, wanna scratch", which he then ignores. :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/18 13:31

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Glad to know I'm not the only one who's Grey loves to sit there and chatter all the time. Dixie does it non-stop (which I love). This is why we have our fids, they entertain us with so little on their part. Makes every effort you've put into Dayo's vocabulary worth it. Thanks for sharing!

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