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Need HELP with Francis


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Oh, ok. I didn't know you were talking about that wound. I didn't know that you had many things already checked.

The wound----no vet is necessary at all. That also happens to birds who are normally molting and they get over zealous with all the pulling, digging and strong preening. That's one of the reasons for the ge. It's good for sore, irritated feet, legs that have minor cuts in them, small injuries to the vent area, minor cuts or irritations to the parts of the head that get messed up. The gel is good for legs which have dry scaly skin which doesn't fall off. Think of yourself using different ointments for your hands or legs or arms or your face to smooth the wrinkles away and other creams to soften the heels of your feet or first aid cream to put on minor cuts or insect bites etc. basically, aloe gel does those things not only for birds but humans too. After all, we all wanna be pretty or handsome or both.

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Thanks pearllyn-I too hope he feels better soon! I brought him home with me knowing that it would be a long road and that it is! but i know it will all be worth it for both francis and myself!


Dave- I assumed that you knew about Francis' past because you are the one that convinced me to use the aloe juice in the first place. but then again I am sure that you reply to lots of posts and didnt remember.


I will get the aloe gel tomorrow!! THANK YOU!

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It's my age. As time goes on, the memory clouds up. I get more and more worried about the 2010 style canes. It's confusing. I can't keep track. I've been checking the newest motorized wheelchairs. I'm looking for something with speed 0 to 2 in 10 seconds.

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Poor Dave, they say the mind is the first thing to go.:whistle:


There are a lot of members here on this forum and Dave has helped many of them, it is hard for us older citizens to keep things straight and to remember everyone's problems so forgive us if we don't recall all the details.:huh:


Dave have you checked out the scooters now that are available, I love mine.:blink: :laugh: ;):P

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Oh, and Dave, if you want a speedy scooter, do what the seniors in Holland do. They swap out the motors! I'm not kidding. :P We were driving along with my cousins one day along-side a scooter/bike path, and the octogenarians were moving faster than we were in the car:blink:

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