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Split Keel/Open Wound


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This morning one of our greys jumped from her perch and landed pretty hard on her keel bone, tearing the skin on her keel. Looked pretty nasty! Wife was hysterical..Wyatt was a little shaken up too, but still wanted to eat breakfast. She didn't eat as much as normal, but understandable since she just had her bell rung! She didn't mind me palpating her and only had an issue when I neared her wound site.


There are few avian vets in our immediate area and even fewer on a Saturday, however, my wife made a few phone calls and was extremely fortunate to contact a local vet that had and Avian Specialist in today...she took Wyatt in to see him. Great doctor and handled our loved one with great care. He checked her wound site and put both our minds at ease when he sent us home with a few different antibiotics and reassurance that Wyatt's wound would be just fine in 2 weeks.


We really lucked out with the specialist being in the office and that Wyatt wasn't more seriously injured. I researched many posts on this forum and saw some that weren't as fortunate...again, we were lucky, but after reading some of those posts while my wife was looking for a vet, I was a little scared for Wyatt...and didn't want to repeat some of the things to my wife and cause her more panic...the most important thing is we got Wyatt to the doctor as soon as possible and that was key in putting our minds at ease.


Lessons learned...know where your nearest Avian Vet is located, their hours of operation, 24 hour emergency or not, Don't panic, trust your instincts, trust your vet and take what you read on this forum as advice and remember that every situation and grey is different and each situation may be handled differently depending on the veterinarian. Our grey was treated with a antibiotics...but please don't think this is the fix all for all these types of injuries...just take your loved ones to the vet as soon as possible.


Wyatt has been home all day and back to her normal goofy self interacting just fine with our other grey, Fergie! She gave us scare though...


Take care all...

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I'm sorry to hear that Wyatt damaged her keel bone but glad to hear she is going to be ok. You are so right that we should know the emergency phone numbers of our avian vet for just such an occasion and you did the right thing to not further upset your wife for Wyatt would pick up on that and react.

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