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Surgery in March


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Hi. I was wondering if anyone here has had surgery for Carpel Tunnel syndrome. I've been diagnosed with it extrememly severe in my right hand, and severe in my left. Cutting into my wrist makes me nervous, :sick: and I know I'll go mental not being able to play piano for a few weeks. Also wondering how you bird reacted to bandages and not being able to perch on the preferred hand.

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I have had both wrists done and the relief is fantastic and very WELL worth the operation the pain has never returned, ever, so don't worry about it you you will not be bothered by the operation I had one done under general anesthetic and the other by local anesthetic, I had no feeling at all during both so it is not a problem believe me.


As for the bird side of things, well they will only do one op at a time and the time between them is months so hide the bandage if you are worried about it.

Ben was not here when had my done but I am sure they will be OK, just like everything else give them time.


Hope this helps.


Bernie. ;)

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She's not a hand specialist but she has done this procedure more than 200 times, and my doctor trusts her, and I trust my doctor. The part I'm dreading the most is the IV. I really really really hate IVs. I'm needle phobic, so an IV is like the longest lasting needle.


Bernie, I'm glad to hear it went well with you. I have one friend who also had it done on both hands and had good results. The more positive stories I hear the better I feel. For me the pain isn't as much an issue because I'm in pain all the time. The specialist actually asked me how I let it get so bad and the honest answer is I've had to learn to ignore the pain signals my body sends. However, when my hands started going numb, I started dropping things, and the pain was waking me up at night, I finally mentioned it to my doctor. When the specialist diagnosed me I started bawling my eyes out in his office. With fibromyalgia you get used to hearing that nothing shows up on tests and being told you're just going to have to learn to live with the pain, that there's nothing they can do. To actually have someone tell you they can help, that it will get better, well, it's pretty emotional.


Thanks for the support guys. It means a lot.

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How long has it been since you have had an IV? Mine were ten years ago and I would have the same apprehension as you, but saw something different this time when my daughter had surgery on her foot in December. Speak to the anaesthesiologist, they have progressed considerably and may be able to ease your mind ahead of the surgery. I do understand the relief and emotion of a professional validating your pain and being able to offer you some relief. A friend who had carpal tunnel was an avid knitter and she had some of the same concerns going into the surgery and a year later is just wondering what took her so long. Good luck as you face your surgery, then recover and heal and find more pleasure than pain in what you create with your hands.

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Ooops, I was thinking so much about you that I forgot the original question about your bird's reaction to the bandages. Maybe you could try wrapping a strip of guaze around your wrist, increasing it gradually and training now while it isn't as much of an issue and you can take your time introducing the change.

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  • 1 month later...

Well guys, I had the surgery on Thursday and, although it hurts and the stiches freak me out, I can report that my hand isn't going numb anymore (even though right now that wouldn't be a totally bad thing). Since the numbness was the thing that bothered me most I'd say this is a good sign!


Dorian totally refuses to step onto my left hand, so he hasn't been off his cage since the surgery. Hopefully the incision and the stiches heal fast and he can go back to getting things his way:)


btw, there's a reason part of the word stiches sounds like itch, they're making me nuts! My dad, always helpful, says that's just a sign they're healing. I say, I don't care if it's a sign Jon Bon Jovi is about to pay me a personal visit, make it stop!!!!!!

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I'm so glad it went well for you Marguerite and it itching does mean it is healing but it can be fustrating to deal with. It will be all well soon enough and then things will go back to normal with Dorian. Thanks for letting us know the surgery is behind you now.

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I can't answer for the particular surgery but wanted to mention that the last few surgeries I have had (all on my back) the IV was very manageable once it was put in. I am also needle phobic. Tell them ahead of time and they will do all they can to make it easy. You can also let your anesthesiologist know and they sometimes will give you something as soon as its in for you to relax. That made my 45 minutes wait for the surgery to start much more bearable.

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