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On language, Karma and Reincarnation


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OK, so I've been thinking about the language we use here on the forum everyday. We talk about letting your bird choose you, and give karma to people as signs of approval or encouragement. If we take these things further, could it be that the bird that 'chooses' us is a soul re-entering our life. If so, (and here's the big question of the day) . . .


Is coming back as the grey of a greyforum member a step UP on the karmic scale, or a step DOWN?:side:

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I don't believe in reincarnation but lets just say if it should happen then it would definitely be a step up if the grey goes to a greyforum member.


I don't think you are smoking anything Marguerite, you just have a different way of thinking and thats not bad.

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Just to be clear, this is meant to be a purely humorous post. Last thing I'd ever want to do is offend anyone's religious belief. I just love being part of a group that loves and cares for the animals they bring into their lives as much as everyone here on the forum does. Also, as I change Dorian's water for the fourth time in a day, then go back to cleaning his home and making his toys, and surfing the web for more things to make his life great, a thought like "I wish someone would spoil me like this" does pop into my head:P

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Thanks for the clarification of your intent Acappella. :-)


I believe most took it as a lighthearted whimsical topic and responded as such. Plus you even put a sideways smiley. :P


I would be GreYt if everyone treated all critters and humans with the same love and respect we see promulgated here on the forum towards all Greys owned by them. :-)

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