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Patience with Grumpy


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I think our patience with Grumpy will eventually pay off. He is becoming more and more curious. He does enjoy our company. His cage is now located at the end of the couch. If we are here his door is open. He comes in and out as he pleases. He only flys off if startled- which has only happened a couple of times.

He takes food from our hands and seems quite content.

I have not tried to hold him yet, because I want him to feel secure before I start trying to handle him. It won't be long now, because he gets really close to me. His curiosity should benefit me in this effort.


I think that considering the amount of new things he's experienced in the last month he is doing well. New people/other birds/my dog/my visiting mother in law and her dog (don't get me started! *giggles* )


He seems to really love Rachel, our 13 year old daughter. When she is close to the cage he waves to her, and she tells him to dance and he will move side to side as she does. Last night he got brave enough

to reach over and gently grab her hair when she bent over to pick up the nut he dropped.


He is very skiddish of new toys (understandable with all the changes lately!) I mentioned before that I moved his new toy to the outside of the cage because he was very frightened of it. I did put it on the side of the cage near the food cup. He had to go close to it - and it didn't take long for him to get used to it being there, and he has picked at it a little bit. I play with it while I am sitting here with him. I believe soon I will be able to put it inside the cage with him. Today I stuck a peanut in between 2 parts of the toy. I'm sure he'll brave it for a peanut!


Grumpy has suckered Butch a few times. He will take the treat from his hand and act like he wants more- but when he offers him another- he bites him. Poor Butch. LOL.


I have been reading around here a lot and am trying to take the advice that has been given. The hardest one is patience...but it IS going to be worth it.

sorry for such a long rambling post- but since I am being patient- I am having to celebrate the small victories. :cheer:

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Thanks Dan! I am trying to update without going overboard. I have been known to get carried away...like when showing pics of my grandkids and my aunt laughed at me & said "Oh look! she blinked, she farted, she blinked again!" Gotta love truth delivered with a dose of humor! :silly:


Since Grumpy is not so fond of his toys I wanted to give him something to keep him busy. This week he has spent much time cracking almonds. He will work a while, put it in his water dish to soak, and then work on it some more. I think he likes the challenge as much as he does the nut when he finally gets to it.

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We are still taking it slowly around here. Grumpy still doesn't want us to hold him. He is getting some better about the biting. He did get me for the first time though. He does great taking peanuts or almonds from our hand- but when he dropped the nut out of the shell and I tried to give it back to him he bit my finger instead. LOL! He had to move around the almond to get to my finger.

Butch cut some branches to give him something to climb on and he is still very leary of that being on top of his cage. He's checking it out though- he is chewing on a piece of the bark right now.

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Well that sounds like small steps of progress and he might just be one of those greys that don't want much hands on interaction at least for now, he has to learn to trust you and that will be a while coming.


As with most greys they do not take to change very easily or quickly, they have to get used to that new item being in their presence for a while and then they finally investigate it to find out if it is something they want.

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Your patience is winning the battle and Grumpy is coming along. Have you tried offer things to Grumpy open handed. I do that with my ornery ekkie so he won't nab me when he is hormonal, which lately is everyday. Karma to you for caring so much for Grumpy and working so patiently with him!

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thanks ladies for the continued encouragement. I do believe that we will see time bring Grumpy around. You can tell when you are close to him- he wants to be held as bad as we want to hold him! But he still gets spooked so easily I don't want to push him and cause a set back (or get bit!) I am pleased, as he seems to be happy.

I had thought about offering his smaller treats open handed, but wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not. I'll try it. :)

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unless we are giving him a nut or fresh fruit- if we put our hands anywhere near Grumpy we will be bitten. BUT! we have had a big breakthrough! This weekend I have been rubbing his beak - through the wires of the cage. He likes it, and keeps coming back to the corner for more. Baby steps...but steps in the right direction!!! B)

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