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As you all know from the many posts I have made on talking and the importance of using words linked to item and actions. I thought I would share this story from last night.


We were watching a movie and Dayo was sitting on his T-Stand in the living room watching along with us.


About 20 minutes into the movie, he starting saying "Cracker? Cracker? Hello? Hello? Hellllooooo! Cracker? Cracker? Cracker!!".


So I go and break off an eighth of a Ritz and give it to him. Which he lavished and consumed in about 20 seconds.


Then it stared again... "Cracker? Cracker? Hello? Hello? Hellllooooo! Cracker? Cracker? Cracker!!..."Cracker? Cracker? Hello? Hello? Hellllooooo! Cracker? Cracker? Cracker!!".


So I went and got another eighth of a Ritz so he would shut up!! I wanted to watch the movie!!


He ate that in about 20 seconds, then stared it again and I finally just told him "No Cracker". Then he would ask again "Cracker?"... me "No Cracker"... this went on for a good 5 minutes.


So what does he do, uses my weakness for Banana Nut Bread... He switches to "Banana Nut? MMMmmmmmmmm Banana Nut!".


Well it worked. I paused the movie, got 3 slices of the Banana Nut bread. I put one slice on his side of the plate and 2 on my side. What does he do? He reaches over and starts surgically removing the walnut pieces from MY slices!!!


I tell you, sometimes I wish I had NOT taught him to speak with coherence!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/16 21:35

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danmcq wrote:

I tell you, sometimes I wish I had NOT taught him to speak with coherence!!!



No you don't, you love every minute of it Dan and I am loving this story, Dayo wanted a snack and he darn well was going to have it or you weren't going to be able to enjoy your movie in peace, go Dayo, you the man!


Thanks for sharing that with us Dan, karma.

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Hahaha! That's great Dan! I'll have to keep that in mind if/when Paco moves past his whistling and starts talking! I guess I won't want to teach him "Pizza" or I'll put on another 20 pounds! The only time he will eat cheese is when he gingerly takes a bite of the top layer of the pizza I'm about to eat!

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ha! I was just lamenting with my husband over the fact that Charlie keeps asking for peanuts non-stop. We're trying to start him on pellets, but he prefers to just keep requesting peanuts rather than eat the dull new pellets. :whistle:


He used to repeatedly ask for 'water' whenever he wanted to take a bath. Hasn't done that in a while, but he still knows the word and says it along with water noises when he sees us drinking from our nalgenes.


These AGs... they're pretty smart little fellas!

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