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talking cds


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First of all, Welcome! It would be nice to hear a little about you and your feathered friend - why not go to the introduction room and tell us a bit about you?

With regards the cd, I agree with Supernova - nothing can substitute one on one time for teaching your grey new words.

However, very few of us can be with our birds 24/7, and for when I'm away, I have one of these...




You can digitally record approx. 30 seconds of whatever you like, and set it to play back continually at an interval of your choosing - anything from around 10 seconds to 30 minutes I think (I don't have the packaging now)


The advantage of this over cds are numerous - 1) the bird is learning YOUR voice, and not some strangers, 2) you can choose what your bird learns (no more useless quacks or barks, although they are cute!!) 3)You can re-record, so you're not stuck with the same 3 or 4 phrases all the time!

I didn't find it that expensive considering how much use I get out of it - I put it on nearly everytime I go out!


Hope this helps!


Lyn & Alfie

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Hello Sarah. Please tell us more about your Grey. I assume it is a youngster.

and you are new to keeping Greys. There is a lot of very helpful information here from all kinds of experienced keepers.

One of the amazing things about Greys that talk is the way they are able to talk in context. They are very good at associating words and phrases with objects and actions. In fact this is the very best way to have them learn new words. If you use CDs this cannot happen. Any words they might learn will have no context.

The very best way is to simply talk to him and tell him in simple words what you are doing. He will soon amaze you. They also enjoy playing with words simply for the sake of the sounds they make. They are natures poets !


Steve n Misty

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Welcome Sarah!


The others have given great comments regarding how to properly get your Grey interested in speaking.


Just as in the wild, they learn sounds and words linked to items and actions that have meaning and help them to survive in a more abundant manner.


Most of us do leave TV or radio on while out during work hours to provide background noise and make the home feel less empty while we're out. But other than that, they don't pick up much if anything from devices playing in the background.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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