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The Western Screech Owl - California


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At dark and very early morning before dawn. I can hear these little buggers flying over and screeching.


It alarmed one of my Dobermans as we were outside around 4 am and thus I thought I would share a little about this cute, yet effective nocturnal hunters.


During the breeding season (November), courting Western Screech Owls may keep up a constant chatter of calls that sounds as if the birds are harmonizing. They may start calling in the winter. They will often respond to imitations of their calls.


Their ear tufts are relatively short and spaced apart like those of the Great Horned Owl. The tufts may be held erect or flattened depending upon the situation at hand. The real ear openings are located on the side of the head and are slightly offset from each other. This positioning enables the owl to use triangulation to trace sounds and locate potential prey at night.


This is a small Owl at only eight to nine inches tall,with a wing span of about 22".


In most of its range, the Western Screech Owl nests in cavities in dead or live trees or stumps.


The chicks start fledging at around only 28 days old!!!


If the first try is unsuccessful or they just fall out of the nest. The easily climb right bak up the tree to their nest using sharp talons and beak.


Here is a clutch being measured and weighed by the department of fish and game. They were placed back in the nest after data was logged.


How big is that beak?




Hey lets just check one at a time please, you'll all get your turn!




Now thats better!




Finally, fully grown... WHOOOoooo is it?


O_eye01.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/16 14:28

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