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preparing to go to vet..


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Ok I'm taking Marvin to the vet in a couple weeks, but there's a slight problem: he's terrified of the carrying cage and towels (towels because he won't step up?). I don't want him to lose all this trust in me or have a heart attack or anything like that, so how should I get him used to those?


We've had the 2 carrying cages next to his house where he can see them but not very well, and it doesn't seem like he's gotten used to the sight because I had to get one out yesterday and he freaked.


I've seen stuff on putting toys near their house to get them used to it, should I put a towel near it and maybe move the carrying cage too would work?


Any advice would help, he's coming out more now but anywhere off his cage he's horrified

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Lots of people have asked the same thing here in the past because their birds have the same reaction to towels and sometimes to carrying cases but the answer is basically the same. You need to to get him to a vet and sometimes you're gonna have to do things that may really scare you more than the bird even though the bird is making all the noise including screeching.

You need to have the carrying case nearby on a table with the door open. Put the bird on the floor. Have a towel right there that's already been unfolded. You may need help from another person to do this. Take towel and quickly lay it down on bird and wrap ends around your bird and quickly put the bird in head first. The bird will screech but will more than likely stop within 1 to 2 minutes. Go to the vet and let them take him out and when finished, let them put him back in. Go home, open cage door and let your bird go in. The bird will be nervous and will avoid you for a while but he/she will eventually relax.

Throw a few peanuts or his/her favorite treat in his bowl and walk away.

PS---I've yet to see a bird have or die from a heart attack and as far as trust, the bird will have an attitude for a couple of days.

I HAVE seen people come home and because they were so nervous concerning the visit, they'll drink a 1/2 bottle of scotch to calm down. In the mean time the bird is eating his/her treat.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/01/16 19:10

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As usual, Dave's advice is excellent. One other thing that my vet does, he asks me to stand out of the birds sight during the examination in order to not have him associate any of the "trauma" with me. I'm still in the room, just in a corner where I'm not seen. As soon as the exam is over the vet let's me come back and "save" my parrot, this really makes me look like a hero! Good luck!

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Thanks Dave, but there is still a problem with getting him out of the cage because he won't step up and the only way he gets on the floor is if he freaks whilst on his cage and flies into something and drops to the floor.. How do I go about doing this?


At least I shouldn't have to worry about a heart attack :). Looking forward to 'saving' him too lol.

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You're going to the vet in a couple of weeks so I'm gonna assume that there's really nothing specific or urgent concerning the visit. Just a general visit?

There really aren't too many choices as far as taking a bird out of a cage.It sounds like he goes in and out when he wants to. No one puts him in or out of the cage cause he won't step up.You can put your hands in the cage and try to coax him onto your hand but I get a strong feeling he's gonna bite if he's afraid of your hand. You can get some favorite treats outside the cage and try to tempt him out of the cage.

You can try using a wood perch and put it in the cage for him to go on.

My opinion is that if you're having a great problem getting near him as far as handling him when it's necessary, I would advise postponing that vet visit until you can establish some type of control because no matter how you cut it any method you use will cause a problem for you and the bird. I wouldn't want the bird to freak out and fly into a wall and injure himself. Sorry I can't be more helpful but it's important that you start simple physical contact--( basically, the steping up process).

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Well we're taking him for a regular check up since we got him 6 mo ago and he hasn't gone yet. Also going to see if theres anything wrong with him because he is real clumsy going around his cage. Maybe a beak trim and nails.


I mean, he lets me pet him when he's on his cage but offering my hand to step up he usually tries to bite. I've tried the coaxing with treats.


He Will step off if he gets off his cage.<br><br>Post edited by: christina13, at: 2010/01/17 03:55

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Hi Christina,


Dave has given great advice in delaying the vet visit to make it less stressful on Marvin.


He's had a hell of a life up to this point, is 5 years old and not showing any signs of illness. I understand you are wanting to have a check up just to ensure all is well. But, right now could just be bad timing in the series of events that has taken place in his life.


After going back and reading your threads. Marvin sounds like a very terrified grey, yet wants to be close so bad. Your description of him wanting to lean against you and have you constantly talk to him is such a HUGE indicator of "He wants to know he is safe". No hands needed right now, but just let me snuggle against you and hear your comforting voice.


It's been six months, but at 5 years old he has a ton of baggage it is taking a long time to unload.


Your doing a wonderful job in helping him out of that shell and I would hate to see him slide backwards from a stressful incident of trying to perhaps towel, cage and take him to the vet at this time.


I hope you will reconsider your time frame for a vet visit. :-)

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