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Injured african grey


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My grey somehow injured himself while alone in his cage, we think he might have hit the blunt end on the screw of his feeder, or maybe with a toy. He the area below his eye and it swoll up so that he could not open it. Over the past couple of days it has been getting better and he could open his eye again, but now all of a sudden the area around his eye up to the beak is all greenish-blue. What's happening? Could the wound be infected?

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No substitute for going to the vet. You should go ASAP. However, if the skin was never broken an infection is not very likely. Your description sounds much like a fairly normal bruise progression...swelling, subsiding leaving greenish/blue bruise from the blood/fluids that were beneath the skin. The discoloration can spread fairly far from the acute injury site as the fluids are absorbed by nearby tissue.


Again, I would go see a vet for peace of mind and just in case, but think the chances are pretty good the discoloration will go away over the next 1-2 weeks. Wishing you and your Fid all the best. Keep us posted.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2010/01/16 03:23

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there were no bird specialists at any of the emergency clinics we phoned yesterday, so we did not go. today, our grey seems much livelier and his eye area is barely blue anymore. nonetheless we have an appointment set up for tomorrow. but i think bdlhelix is correct when they say that it's probably just normal bruise progression.


thanks everyone!

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