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Need help - what is causing Ollie to act like this


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Hello guys, I have a question.. I bought Ollie from someone a couple of months ago and he is 3 years old. My daughter and I sit on the floor and he will walk in a circle across our hand and fluff up making a noise sounding like a low pitch squeek. Not sure why??


Then yesterday my daughter was sitting on the floor in my office, I was on the computer and she wasn't sitting far from Ollie and he walked over and bit onto her hand and wouldn't let go..I ran over and told him NO BITE and he let go. I immediately put him up and told him OLLIE WAS BAD - NO BITE - Mommies Mad.


Then about 30 minutes ago, he was on his perch in the living room my mom walked by and he stepped up, walked up to her shoulder and then bit her in the face and when she went to put her hand up - he bit her hand.


He has never bit me but has bit my daughter, my mom and my neice. Does this mean I am the only one he will let handle him? I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if its just a hormonal phase he is going through??? Please help. everyone loves to see Ollie and he really is an incredibly sweet bird, he is just acting goofy this week and Im not sure why?


Please help.



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Well, I have to say that as much as I love Dorian, he has never ever been on my shoulder and there's an excellent chance he never will. I just don't think you've had Ollie long enough to determine that he's trustworthy enough to be on your shoulder. Plus, you can't see him to read his body language and if he's getting impatient or angry with what you're doing.


Keep him on your hand and make your hand higher than your shoulder. As much as he loves being on your shoulder, 99% of the time they will not climb down from a high perch to climb onto a lower one. Having a shoulder bird is more convenient for us humans because it leaves both hands free to go about our day, but one really bad bite is all it takes for a permanent scar.


As you have him longer you'll pick up on his body language. Maybe the person who got bit was asking him to do something like stepping up, that he just wasn't in the mood to do;) Or they moved too fast, talked too loud, wore a colour he doesn't like . . . You reacted well when he bit your daughter. A sad face, a 'no bite' and a few minutes of being ignored in a time out will work, but you have to be consistent. You're truly still getting to know each other. Just proceed with caution and patience and you'll be able to avoid most bites.

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It sounds like the honeymoon is over and your seeing some of the real behavior he has LEARNED from previous owners.


It will take time and training to get this to slow down.


As Accapella said, shoulder is probably not a good idea at this time, if ever. Also to learn his body language.

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