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I found this forum while searching for ideas on making a climbing net, and now find myself coming back regularly to read interesting posts. So I just joined today, and already have a question about format. I find that posts are listed from newest to oldest and I have to go to the end of every topic to see the first post and read backwards. Is there a setting that I can change or is that just the way it works?


Also, I must confess up front that I do not own a Grey (so hope I can stay). But I am certainly finding it interesting reading about them here. I do have 2 small parrots, a Quaker (about 3 now, from small pet store/breeder) and a Senegal (a rehome over a year ago, probably about 4), and have enjoyed reading some good posts here about the bitey Senegal (mine is also), and Nemo, the rescued Meyers. I also really liked the MBS post by Tari.


I have read several other bird forums, and do like the general philosophy and attitude that you all have here.

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Hi Kat3k - Welcome to our family - glad you took the leap and joined!!!


Firstly - if you go into your profile and into "Edit" at the top. It says "edit your details". Go into "forum settings" and then into "preferred message" and choose "oldest post first". Hey presto :)


You certainly do not need to own a grey to join our family - you can post all you want within the threads on greys - but there is also a dedicated amazon room and also an "other birds" room.


All birdie lovers are catered for ~ and we would love you to hang around and get to know you better (if I haven't scared you off!!!).


Hope this helps ;)


PS. There's also a really exciting room called "off topic" down the bottom where you can discuss anything you like - one of the moderators there is so lovely :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/01/15 19:46

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Thank you very much for the settings info. I had looked for something like that but could not have found it without your help. It made it much harder to enjoy the reading having to do it backwards. Now fixed.

And thanks for the welcome!

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Welcome to our family. The forum can be a bit intimidating at first, but after a while, it will seem easy to you. Please feel free to ask if you need any help finding your way around.


I look forward to hearing more from you and am anxious to see and hear about your flock at home! B)

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Hello Kat3k and welcome to our family, no you don't have to own a grey to be a member, you just need an interest in them but you will probably find it will grow on you.


We have an other birds room where you may share stories about your fids and pictures too if you have any.

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I want to welcome you to the forum. There really should be a warning label here. Something like:

"Warning, the kindness, intelligence, humour and experience demonstrated by our memebers my intice someone already suffering from Multiple Bird Syndrome to leap into the world of Grey"

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