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Wacky People


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Just thought I'd share this little story & see if anyone has had similar experiences...


I was out one day with my TAG Griffin just walking around the neighborhood (trying to acclimate the little butterball to sights & sounds of our Brooklyn neighborhood). When I spotted a funky looking store on Columbia Street near Union so Griff & I go in. As we walk in the lady (presumably the owner) behind the counter looked at me, looked at Griff, back at me, back at Griff and then turn to me and asks "Is that a dog?"


Seriously, what do you say to that? I've been out and about with my ringnecks & I'll get comments like "Is that real?" or "Are you a pirate?" but never have I been asked if my parrot was a dog...

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Hey there Countess - Welcome to our Family. Please go and tell us more about yourself in the "Welcome Room" at the top of the forums page. You sound like a really interesting person!!!


Now - as for the "dog/parrot" that is just bizarre! I've had people ask me if Harvey is a pigeon - but a DOG!! Was Griff on the floor, being led along on his lead??? This woman is obviously wacky!!!!


Great thread - I wonder what else our fids have been mistaken for?

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A monkey! LMFAO! Sorry, excuse my language. Paco has never been mistaken for another animal, however he has caused shrieks when we've been out due to people not thinking he was "real" until he moved.


I had a dog incident too, but I was in the car, using a drive through with Paco in his carrier. They gave me doggy biscuits just assuming that it was a dog, rather than a parrot.

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I think this woman just just plain baffled, in a "no dogs allowed" store she probably couldn't decide whether or not to allow your grey inside, it would explain her looking at and away from Griffin a couple of times. Either that or she is just plain stoopid lol!


What I'd like to know is what was your answer to her question and did you keep it poilte? :laugh: :laugh: :P

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My response to the woman was basically "Ummmm no, he's an african grey"... I was far too dumbfounded to come up with one of my usual answers... Such as "No, its a chupa cabra"...


I truly beleive she was & remains a "special kind of stupid"


As to what bus she takes, I'm going to have to find out so I can avoid it at all costs... Tho personally I was trying to figure out what drugs the woman was on...


And I swear Griff even looked at the woman like "wtf?"

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lol - funny thread!

We use to have a small holding and got school trips etc coming to see the animals, and I swear some of these kids had no idea what they were looking at - one thought the chickens were fat budgies, another thought the sheep were "curly dogs"!, and most of them were completely dumbfounded bye the goats!

It's hard to believe when you've been brought up with animals but there you go!

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