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Parrot loves to walk on the floor? is this common?


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Hello, My bird Ollie loves to walk on the floor whenever I am in the room mostly. But he has been known to walk down the hall. I typically bring him in every room just about every room with me so when I am home he is always pretty close.


I work from home 2 to 3 days a week so its very nice spending time with him. My only fear is he is going to go under something or chew on the baseboards (which he has already done a tiny bit) Is this a normal behavior for a parrot to want to be on the floor???


This weekend I am going to try something new. I am making him a playpen (carpeted sides and bottom that will be the same flooring as the one in my office (which is the floor he always wants to walk on) so he can go in there when he wants down with all his little toys that he likes to play with. I will put a picture on the forum when its complete. should be pretty funny.


Has anyone else ever had to make one of these for thier bird that can offer suggestions?


Is there anything I need to look out for that could be poinsonous to him?


Any help is greatly appreciated?





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Hi Debbie, I take it that Ollie has his wings clipped. My Ana Grey was clipped when I got her and she would walk the floors all the time if she needed to find me. She had no way to get around otherwise since she could not fly. I was always afraid I was going to step on her. I placed boings and hanging perches with foraging toys throughout the house so she would have placed to be and things to do. When I left a room I just took her with me so she wouldn't walk the floors and placed her on the perch/boing. As long as she could see me, she was happy. I also have hanging ropes so that she could climb up on the perches/boings or cage from the floor. Now she is fully flighted, it took over a year!!!!! and she just flies where she wants to go which are the perches/boings/cage or me because that is what she was taught to do. This, I believe, has saved my drapes and woodwork.

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Thank you so much for responding to my posting. Oliver seems to only want to be carried. I bought him 2 months ago and just adore him. but he seems to have a problem with stability. He only wants to walk on my carpet in my office and one time down the hall. I have a pretty big atrium that you can see everything in the front of the house from where his playstand is. He just chats up a storm when he is on there. but as soon as he gets in my office he climbs down his cage and on the floor and decides he wants to preen and pull at my carpet. So I put some toys on the floor to help him but he still likes to preen the floor, if I try and get him to stop he yells "Hey- backoff" and then if I try and make him stop he will go over and pick at the wood. He loves to lay on the floor with me and my daughter while we watch tv so that is where we typically go is in there to watch tv with him. I just didn't know how common this was. And your right, he does have his wings clipped. they clipped his wings before i got him.

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Hi Debbie,

First of all, karma to you for choosing an older bird over a baby - babies are sooo cute but there are just so many older birds needing loving homes - you've done a good thing!

I have a fully flighted grey and she thinks nothing at all about going down to the floor for a little walk about! She'll go down there if something catches her eye, or to interact with the dogs, or to walk through a door that's too closed to fly through!

Just be mindful that Ollie's down there when you are walking around!

There are many informative threads on here as to what will and will not harm your grey - feel free to have a browse through the forum.

Here is a list of the most common things you must not give your bird.


2.apple seeds


4. onions

5.salt (While all living beings need regulated amounts of sodium in their systems, too much salt can lead to a host of health problems in birds, including excessive thirst, dehydration, kidney dysfunction, and death. Be sure to keep watch over the amount of salty foods your bird consumes).

6. alcohol


8.tomato leaves

9. caffiene

10. dried beans


Also, scented candles are a no go, teflon coated utensils are deadly when heated, inscense sticks, most household cleaners etc - anything that gives off fumes can be harmful to your bird.


I've never made a playpen for Alfie, but looking forward to seeing yours and hearing how Ollie gets on with it!


Lyn & Alfie.

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It is cute to see them walking around on the floor and it sounds like you are in the same room the whole time. Other than the woodwork or furniture he might remodel, watch for electrical wires. Mine likes to try to chew the cord off my computer when she can't get to the front to turn it off. It is interesting you mention the carpet, I hadn't considered why Java goes to the floor only in the family room but it must be because all the other floors are hard surfaces. She likes to play on the stairs too, and again that is carpeted. Glad you mentioned that.

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Hi Debbie.


What a cute mental image your description paints of time on the floor. :-)


I love his way of letting you know to "Hey, Back off".


Since he is clipped the floor is the only place he can strut around safely and get to all his flock. Thus the love for the floor and flock being there and available.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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well tomorrow we are making an Ollie Play pen with carpeted sides. I will post pictures when I am finished. Should be pretty cool. He is always in the same room with me unless I am sleeping. Then he sleeps in my home office, its his favorite room to be in if Im not with him. I actually thought about putting his cage in my bedroom. Tonight I bought him another playstand so now he has 2 playstands, a cage and tomorrow a playpen to keep him from being bored in the same place. The only place he really isn't allowed is in the kitchen area. I will post pictures tomorrow.:)

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Kookie loves being on the floor, he likes to explore my furniture and is fascinatedby glass cabinet doors. he loves watching TV close, but is sometimes scared when a big face appears on screen.


he sometimes runs on the carpet, but noton the flor tiles, when hes bored he climbes back up to his playtree.

I am mostly careful that he stays away from all electric wiring so Ive lifted everything up

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I have two floor walkers. Beau (CAG) has damaged his right wing and thus it is featherless so he explores everything via the floor. His stability is improving, as he climbs up ladders and boings now, but no shoulder riding and his balance on my hand is still not good, so carrying him requires a cuddle hold. He will follow me everywhere if I don't take him while he's out of cage (so I have stands everywhere).


Sterling (U2) believes the whole house is his playground and he is flighted. He prefers to wander through the house on the floor. He will climb down from his cage, playstand, whatever and wander through the house just to see what's up in the other rooms. I'm constantly looking for him when he is out of his cage. He biggest love is the oven door - he can see himself in it and prancing in front of that glass is one of his favorite things to do.


Biggest thing I would be concerned about is electrical cords as these little guys can expose a wire in a heart beat. I would also suggest that you vacuum the carpet extensively for loose fibers on the new playpen. Dixie (CAG) loves to shred jute so I can imagine what she would do to carpet.


Would love to see the pics of the playpen when it's finished and welcome to the forums.

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Sasha loves the floor to. When I am in the kitchen making supper I will let him play on the floor (I make sure to always look before I start moving)

He loves when I throw stuff close to him (like a plastic spoon) he will jump at it and attack it so funny.

He loves playing underneith things tho, if I have dishwasher down, he likes hiding underneith that, otherwise he will go into a corner.

At first he was scared of the outdoor cats that peer through the glass door in the kitchen, but now that he realizes cats can't get to him, he will intentionally walk right up to the door and taunt the cats. The cats get mad cause they see dinner running around right on the other side of the door, but they cant get it.


If I have to leave the kitchen for a minute he will usually follow me from room to room.

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