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I just want to say hello to everyone. and plus I wanted to give everyone an update. If you all remember my future son in law was giving me a hard time about my African Grey (Houdini) and having a fit because he read that they pass germs and illnesses to people. WELL......

I had sent all of you all's replies to my question if parrots passed on illnesses well.....my daughter read it and loved it. she laughed.

Well....they had taken the baby for her 4 month check up and what do you think he had to ask the doctor about my parrot. so you know what she said to him

no worries....domesticated birds are fine its the wild birds you need to be concerned about...lol

I wish I could have been there so I could say

ninner ninner ninner.....lol

I love this web site so much it is so informative and the people are absolutely wonderful.



Thank You to ALL....


Deborah Jackson

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justalady721 wrote:

Domesticated birds are fine its the wild birds you need to be concerned about...lol


So that poor baby will never have a walk in the park, a stroll on the beach - there's so many things this poor baby is going to miss out on if your son in law has his way!!!!


I bet you felt so triumphant Deborah!! Way to go!! :laugh:

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I'm not a parent (of a human child), but I have to laugh at how over protective some parents are these days. I grew up on a farm and was into everything, all the time. Plus I was always an animal magnet and would pick up and pet almost anything with a heartbeat. I'm guessing your son-in-law will eventually figure out that kids aren't as fragile as they seem.;)

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