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aviator harness, 1st fitting attempt


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Well, Kip is now 1 yr 1 month and I recently purchased the aviator harness. I watched the video a few times in preparation for introduction techniques etc.


Kip is very accepting of new things and did not show any fear of it. So I figured I'd give it shot...well I got the portion over her head no prob. She sat still for about 10 seconds and I thought "hey this will be easy"...Kip had other things in mind...all of a sudden she starts shreeking and screeching and clawing at the harness. I go (as calmly as possible) to remove it and she starts getting even more fired up! In the melee that ensued I sustained the worst bite from her received to date, by far! Of course it was not directed at me, but sheesh it hurts! :evil: For a second I wondered if I'd be unable to pull it back over her head and my mind was already making the emergency backup plan (I was thinking, OK, if I need to i'll cut it off!).


Bleeding hands and all I just remained calm, this calmed her down of course and I was actually able to easily pull the harness back over her head!


So we had a minor set back, but I am sure will ultimately succeed! she's happily whisling/singing/talking now and the harness is right next to her...in fact she's playing with it a bit. Well, it should be an investment for life once they are used to it...but the younger you can get em comfortable with such a thing the better! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/07/29 02:34

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Oh my! You are definitely a golden member of the "bite me club"! I attempted the aviator harness with Talon at the same age. I had the same success. But I have not been consistent with it, in fact, I've pretty much given up.

I agree the younger you can start, the easier of a time you will have of it. :unsure:

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Then I guess I am already in trouble, I have yet to try it on Josey, I don't know why I have put if off, not enough time I guess. What with working a full time job and then coming home and starting the second shift and getting on here, that leaves little time for anything else. But I will get it done one way or the other.

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Guest Monique

I think that is the true challenge for me .. continuing to put it on them enough that they stay acclimated....

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I got the aviator in the mail yesterday. The stuffed animals have taken to it very well. They drop like rocks when they try to fly though :P Pryde should be coming home either tomorrow or, more likely, Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes then :woohoo:

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Wow, sorry about your bite. I have the aviator as well abeit I am putting it on a 4 month old. Not too hard, but we have also had our moments ahhaah.... I find the best is when you get the first wing through tighten up the slack even just be holding it with your hands so that nothing loose is hanging around,it gives you a chance to stay in control and get everyone calmed down. I find that when you get one foot hooked up in the neck part you have had it (panic all around) and you really want to prevent that. Good luck.

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You need to take it really really slow. Even with my 9 week old quaker I worked with the bird for 2 weeks before I ever put it on her.

Now my only problem is I am to clumsy with putting it on and off. So I have stopped putting in on while keeping up with the training sections and now I am training me with the stuffed animal to get much better at putting it on and taking it off. Even though she is very patient about it I don't want to ruin anything with my clumsiness.

So no short cuts back up and do what the video said and you'll do much better.

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Hi everyone,

We have the Feather tether, Didn't get no dvd with it just a few drawings on the box explaining how to put it on, We have had good success in putting it on, But once its on she just wont stop trying to get it off. I have tried everything to distract her, Scratching, talking to her, Offering her favorite treat which she will take but just drop.. I have had it on her four times now, I've been leaving it on for about an hour at a time hoping she will get used to it soon... If only they could just understand that with there harnesses on they will have the chance to explore a whole new world outside in the fresh air....:P

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Shawzy4, that is the million dollar question, if we could only get our pets to understand these things we would have it made wouldn't we, but it doesn't work that way. Hopefully, they will learn that putting it on means they get to go outside without the cage and fly around and have fun.:)

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Thanks for the account Celery. Its nice to hear how others are dealing with this as well and how it progresses! :P I have been taking Kip outside in her travel cage the past few mornings. Before I do that I introduce her to the harness and then leave it in or on her travel cage as we go out. I am hoping she will begin to associate going outside (which she loves) with the harness. I also have had a few more training sessions with her, just kind of handling the harness, draping it over her etc but have not tried actually putting it back on her...YET! But its gonna happen soon!! B)

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This is all great information folks!


I can't wait to start working with Dayo on the Harness.


dblhelix - If you could take a photo of your damaged hand and become a member of the Parrot "Bite Club" then post the Photo, it may become the T-Shirt bitten hand :-) Pwease Pwease Pwease :woohoo:

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Well given that this incident is now 3 days past the bite does not really look all that impressive anymore! Its more like a paper cut/slice on the thumb. I don't think it is really going to convey the intensity of incident at this point! More over, for me, while getting bitten from time to time goes hand in hand with owning a parrot, it is not something that I am particularly proud of or interested in honoring! Its something I try to avoid... ;)


Today again was another day of some minor playing with/handling the harness around Kip. Letting her touch/feel it and some short moments of draping it over her. I will keep this up for a bit and then attempt a complete fitting again. :blink:

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Well thank heavens it was not a nasty bite, just one to let you know you overstepped her bounds. I have no doubt you will succeed in getting it on her and I hope all goes well when you do, it will give the rest of us the confidence to try it with our greys.


Keep us informed as I know you will and I am rooting for you to not get bit this time.:P

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Sorry to hear that the "fitting" didn't go as planned. Hope you have better luck in the futur.


I have the Aviator harness and it's a godsent for me. Tonka was always too small for the Feather Tether's medium and I didn't want to try the smaller one because of the design.


He got his Aviator beginning of June and I thankfully had no problems getting him in it. Lego on the other hand was not as accepting until... he saw Tonka and I playing outside a few times and finally gave in.


I have a question for those who live in a climate where they is a cold winter... how to you keep your Greys accustomed to the harness during the cold months? I mean, we can't give them the reward of going outside... do you just substitute the reward for someting else during the cold months?


(ps celery, you have a Vasa! Checked out your site, he is gorgeous! They are such intriguing birds.)


Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/02 06:08<br><br>Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/17 06:33

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