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May I brag please????


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So my amazon has a couple of new words yesterday. I just cracked up laughing. I had him in the kitchen with ne while doing dishes. I walked away and came back into the kitchen and he goes "Hello my baby are you okay my baby" The worst part was the accent. Dont know where that came from but it sure made my day.

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All my birds which i probably hand fed about 400 babies in my time would speak by the time they were weaned. At least they would be saying mama or hello or something. In the begining it sounds like a little kid it will be hard to really understand like if a stranger came to visit and the bird said something you would not what he said but they might ask what did he say. My birds are now between 4 and 8 years old and they all talk like a human voice. It is clear and anyone that comes to the house knows exactly what they are saying. Owen has been talking for years this was just something new and he has not exactly said anything new in a while. Hope this helps. Also depends how much time you spend with them i am home every single day so i am with them all the time. If you are not able to leave a radio or tv on. They love the kids stuff disney movies etc also.

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Just be patient once they start talking you might be praying for peace and quiet. There are days where i will say Owen please please just stop talking. The worst is when he thinks he is in charge. He will discipline the other birds and sound like me. He will also do one of there bad behaviour screams or something and then as i walk in the room he will start telling the bird in trouble how bad he is or how he needs to stop. But after all said and done i would not want it any other way i love my Owen although sometimes it would be nice if he could just not talk. Food is always a good way to get peace with this breed so just in case you need it later make a note of this. :P

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I don't know if this is the usual way but it seems like Sunny (9 months old)has been saying "good boy" but in a gravelly voice for about 3 weeks now. He loves to repeat it along with all the other nonsense sounds when he hears background sounds which set his chattering off, like the exhaust fan over the stove, or the water running, etc. He tried "hello" once in the beginning and then stopped until yesterday when he has started to greet me with it or use it when he calls to me from another room - again, gravelly and not clear.


I have realized now, that I need to teach him Greek as well since many of my Greek friends won't understand him much, and G*d forbid if I ever had to re-home him he would be more welcome with a Greek family if he speaks Greek, right? So now I've started adding the Greek equivalent after the English - such as "good boy - bravo" and "hello - yassou" so that he uses them interchangeably or together. I'm hoping that he has some potential, keeping my fingers crossed!<br><br>Post edited by: SunnyBird, at: 2010/01/13 21:11

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:) Thank you, were down to 19 fids right now, no more unless a new rescue comes along...When we awake each day we are welcomed with 6 "hello's". "how are you","gimmie a kiss","good water",etc, won't repeat what Buddy say's :woohoo: All day, till bed time...I remember the old days, we fed 80-100 babies a day, were paid $20.00 per day,in a clean safe environment, and inspected all stores who bought the weaned babies...:)



PS. It still scares me when I hand feed, no more...

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I LOVE this thread!!! Nilah just turned 9 months yesterday, and she says many things, but my most favorite is, "Want a cup of coffee?" in a Brooklyn, New York accent. I am from New England, not New York, but I taught it to her in a NY accent as I have a dear friend from there and he loves coffee. :laugh:

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