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What to do about exit doors


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What are some of the solutions that people with flighted birds come up with to prevent their birds from flying out the doors. I owned flighted cockatiels for 30 years and don't remember worrying about it much. They just didn't go for the doors. Now that Tobie might actually fly I'm lying in bed trying to think of things I could do to make the exit doors bird safe. I read that someone suggested beaded curtains. Does this work? What other ideas might you have.

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I have some thoughts on this. First I would consider putting as many layers between Tobie's living quarters and the exit doors as you can manage reasonably. Next I would work to train him that outside is not a place he would want to go. I have several exit doors in my home, we have a flighted bird and one thing I have done is train everyone to come and go through the garage. We try to go to the garage, close the house door, then open the garage door to create a buffer. That of course may not work for everyone and still doesn't guarantee closing off an escape route. Next, I post a note at my front door on my side to remind me to check first for a bird before opening the door. We have a firm rule that whoever opens the cage is responsible for being vigilant to keep the bird in sight. I have also considered getting a fake predator bird to put on the doorway to the exit. That has to be weighed with the concern of keeping stress levels up on your bird whether it senses it is in constant danger, which wouldn't be good. It will be interesting to hear other ideas people have to put a buffer between your exit and Tobie. I'm glad you are thinking of it, but don't let it overwhelm you. With care and precautions you will find a balance between keeping Tobie flighted and free and you getting a good night of sleep so you enjoy that time with him... LOL.

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I'm the same as Dee - since Harvey came to me we've only used one exit door too (I have three ways of escape) - it just cuts down on the opportunity.


The whole family has had it drilled into them that this door doesn't open unless the one between them and Harvey is shut. It's a training exercise really, for all.


And just to add to your angst - the windows will be the next obstacle! ;)

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