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Petsmart Thing..........

Wonko the Sane

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Guest beerfish

Isn't it Pets at Home these days? Anyway, I keep fish and birds and I wouldn't be prepared to buy any livestock from there, sounds harsh but doing so just encourages this kind of thing to continue. Have a good look in the fish section see how many dead ones you can count.

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Guest javacrypto

Not sure about Petsmart...but a friend who worked in a pet shop told me that the profit from selling one bird enabled them to buy TWO more. If the petshop doesn't take care of their animals, the purchasers are then responsible for doubling the number of miserable birds, and rewarding the pet shop owner to boot. Don't know about anybody else, but when I know I contributed to the problem I wouldn't be able to sleep nights and it would irk me that anybody is profitting from the misery of animals and I was helping them. :(

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Guest beerfish

In the UK 'PetSmart' changed it's name to 'Pets at Home' because of their bad reputation. In my local branch I've seen a Macaw in a cage not really big enough for a CAG. Their birds are over priced too, they had a CAG for sale at £900, rip off.

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Guest saki

It is still Petsmart here in Boise, Idaho. I have never heard of Pets at Home.


I am not a long time bird owner but there is no way in hell that I would buy a bird from one of those places. If pet shops can't even take care of their dogs, then they certainly aren't taking care of their birds. I think they should have to pass inspections from the local humane society or ASPCA.

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Guest fishwater_pa

Had they purchased the bird as you suggested to "rescue" it, another poor bird would promptly taken its place. By not buying the bird AND telling the store why, they just might get somebody's attention and get the situation improved. Large corporations are motivated by only one thing in the end--the bottom line, the almighty dollar--and if enough people stop buying things at stores AND let the corporations know that it is because they keep animals in sub-standard conditions, the corporations will more than likely change--because they don't want to lose the money.

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  • 1 year later...

Birds at petsmart are highly over priced and they don't take very good care of their animals. I threatened to sue them last month for selling me sick mice. It wasn't the fact that they we're sick and petsmart didn't know it's the fact that they told me they refused to do anything about it because it was 14 days already. The mice I had, had a respotory infection and passed it on to my 2 year old rat who had a tumor already and they gave her nuemonia. I took her to the vet and they told me the mice caused it. And she died 2 days later and I told the pet store they needed to do something because I didn't want the mice around. They killed my rat and I spent all the money I had to go get her checked up. They told me to get written proof from my vet and they would pay me back all the money for my loss. To avoid getting sued. I wouldn't doubt that all the other critters in that section have the same thing.

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