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What to do to get him back?


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Hello every one. It's 1:00 AM and I couldn't sleep. I decided to seek advice. For those of you who are not following my CAG's disappearance story, he flew away on December 23rd, and I have been looking for him ever since then.

On December 25 someone called in response to my posters that I put every where and was negotiating the rewards then claimed that was going to look for him and claimed he didn't have him then (although I agreed for the $300 he asked for).


Last Friday someone stopped by my dealership and asked if the bird cage was for sale. I had another small cage out in front of the office that I use for my sun conure. I told the guy it was for my bird and it wasn't for sale. Then I asked him which cage and he mentioned he was talking about the big cage. So I told him about my Sindbad and how he flew on the 23rd. He asked how much are those African greys. I told him at least $1000. So he mentioned he had one of them and he was looking for cage because he has smaller cage the size of the cage I have for my sun conure. I told him to keep an eye on my bird which might come to him because of his bird, and I was late for a meeting so I rushed out.


As I was driving I played back the conversation that I had with him in a hurry, and I noticed any African grey owner would know how much they are. Otherwise how did he get his. I felt so stupid that I let this guy go like that. but I started looking more closer to the intersection he mentioned to me he lived at.


Today right before sunset, I was out walking looking for my bird, and I noticed a guy standing by a house with another guy from the phone company. Apparently he was fixing the cables. I approached them and told them about my bird and said that I would give a reward then I left.

In 10 minutes this guy called me and mentioned that where they were standing fixing the cables, they can hear different whistles. I rushed there and kept listenning, but I wasn't sure where the sounds are coming from. So I took some flyers and starting knocking at doors in the few houses and apartments in that area till I came to where the sound was coming from. When I knocked at the door, the neighbor told me there was nobody there. I noticed the door behind the screen was ajar and to my surprise I could see the bird in his cage inside. I called on my bird and I heard the short high piched call that he always made in his first attempts to call me and when I looked the bird was at the top of the cage wall facing me frantically holding the bars, letting the bard with one foot and holding with other then swapping foots as if he is trying to get to me. It was after sunset at that time but I could swear this is my Sindbad. I just didn't know what to do. I kept asking all the neighbors and what I understood from them was that the owner comes from work at 10 PM. They are all Spanish. One neighbor told me where the guy works (in a burger place a few blocks away) so I went there and I wasn't very surprised to see the same guy who came to my dealership last Friday. The guy completely denied every thing and mentioned that this is his bird and not mine and he speaks Spanish, which I'm sure he taught him something.


I told him that I wanted to buy the bird. He smiled and said $1000. I said ok. He promised to call me after he finishes work, but he never called. I just wanted to make sure he is my bird.


I don't know what to do in the morning. Should I call the cops? The guy mentioned that his bird does not have a closed band, and it makes me sick to think that he tortured Sindbad to break that band.


If I call the cops would they be able to help me? What should I do in the morning? Please advise me. I was very emotionally shaken when I saw the reaction of that bird. Of course I can't pay the guy $1000 and reward him for what he did. He told me on Friday that he saw my posters every where. I can't sleep, thinking what I can do tomorrow. Your urgent advice is much appreciated. Good night.

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OMG! You know in your heart of hearts this is your bird - call the cops!! Actually, if it was me I know what I would do - but I won't post it, because it definitely isn't politically correct!!!


You don't know what kind of guy he is - he may attack you - call the cops - definitely, definitely, definitely!


Oh I so want this happy ending!! Keep us updated!

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There must be something he does for you that's unique - Harvey "quacks" like a duck when I ask him and "woo woos" like an owl when I ask him. If he's picked up Spanish so quickly then I am sure whatever you've taught him must be more.


I would say, after my holidays and being away from Harvey, that if the cops would go in with you and let the bird out, he'll fly straight to you as well - he'll recognise you for sure.


The pressure of the cops might also "break" the man.

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OMG you must feel physically sick because as Jill says, you just know that bird is your beautiful Sinbad. If I were you I would have sneaked on in and took him, I really would have. Is there a chance you could go back knowing they are out at the same time of day and do just that? If not then you simply have to get the police involved, you really have no option do you.


Please, please, please do not allow this man to get away with it, explain to the police that he is only after the money. Your baby will make it quite plain he is yours by the way he behaves and if it turns out he isn't then it will have been a genuine mistake and the police can't fault you for that.


Please keep us updated?

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I agree. Take the police and go back there. You have nothing to lose. It is going to be hard to prove he is your bird but if he is not then you will know. You don't know what may come of the situation. The guy may be frightened and give the bird up.

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If I were you....


I'd stand at his door steps and call the police and have them show up. That lone will make the neighbors pay attention, hispanic neighborhoods to my experience DO NOT like neighbors that get involved with the police due to many family members not being legally documented within our country. The pressure alone will make him give up the bird.


Even if he denies things with the police, it should be rather easy to prove the animal is yours. He should fly to you on command, right? If you'd never seen this bird before, that wouldn't happen.


That's just what I'd do. Actually, I'd have busted into the house when I was there and he wasn't and just taken him to be totally frank. No one kidnaps my children.

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Oh Boy, it is a tough situation.


When you heard the whistles. Were they ones Sinbad always produced?


Since Sinbad did have a band and this grey does not. I doubt a non bird person would even bother to try and get it off.


My grey will "Cheap" as you describe and desperately act like yours for someone to come and let him out when he is in his cage and see's us or someone else. That cheap is common to most all greys, but I am sure not ALL greys would react as that grey did. Some are much more shy of people.


This person could have gotten the grey in some type of trade or from a relative that could no longer care for it or just didn't want it.


Since you know where he lives, where he works and have started a dialogue with him. I would use that to continue conversations and try and carefully try and pry out of him precisely how he came to own it.


Perhaps reminisce about your Sindbad and how much all parrot people love there birds and love to share stories about them etc. Ask him how long he has had him and what tricks he knows, ask if he is flighted and if he enjoys that .... Just general talk, you know what I mean.


This way he will not immediately go on the defensive and avoid you.


One thought also for your consideration. This guy did not steal Sinbad. If it is Sinbad, he found him and has done nothing criminal. So if he did want a 1000, it is not rewarding a criminal. It is giving a good reward for a person taking in your bird and saving it from probably death through starvation or a bird of prey attack.


I do hope this will give you a quick answer of whether or no that is Sinbad.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/13 15:17

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This is so upsetting to even read. What if it is and what if it isn't. I would ask the guy if you could visit his bird to reassure yourself that this is not your bird. Just be upfront and tell him you are grasping at straws (or something) and just need to see his bird to put your concerns to rest. If he refuses, then you might think about calling the police. At least you know he's warm and being fed for now-if it is you bird.

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I already convinced him that I want to buy the bird for $1000. I'll call him today and see what he says. It's interesting that the kids of the building were playing there and they said his bird was different, and the bird really did not say any of the words he says. That's why I didn't try to open the screen door and get him. Also, all neighbors were already aware I was there and they were watching and I know the area is not very safe.


At any rate, I'm trying to control my emotions and think right. I couldn't sleep much over night thinking what the day will reveal. And when I slept for a couple of hours I dreamt that I went to the guy and found out that it was my bird, so I beated the hill out of that guy. It felt so good (although I'm not really an agressive person). hahaha


Just wish me luck. I'll also call the cops if I have to.

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This is an incredibly tough spot you find yourself and we are all with you on the emotional aspect. If this is Sindbad, and my heart says it is likely, first sit with yourself and get calm so you can think of the best way to handle it. Think of your first goal. It would be my first goal to get my bird returned. If you are too emotionally involved it would be in your best interest to find a liason. I don't know if the police will be the best route if you consider you may not have proof needed to get him back. It would be easy to move the bird to another location and close the door on negotiating a return. I am with you on the thinking that you don't want to reward someone for keeping him from you. Perhaps you could go forward with the idea that Sindbad has been rescued and is being treated as best this person knows how. He did have concern enough to look for a more suitable cage. Take a deep breath, consider your options. If I could be calm enough, I would go in with profuse graciousness that this person has "rescued" my bird and is keeping him from harm in the outside elements. Next, considering the high maintenance and cost of keeping a grey, it may be they are already thinking they are in over their head and would consider a trade or "purchase". Worry about what is right later. If there was something I had of value to them that I could trade, I would offer that first. I lost my bird in a different, final kind of way and look at this from a far removed place in my heart. The main thing I would say is if you have anyone who could converse with this man and be a go-between, it may be your best hope in getting Sindbad returned home if indeed this is him, and I hope with all my heart it is. Don't make any sudden moves based on emotion. Get a grip first and a solution will present itself.

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Don't get yourself arrested, do continue to pursue and try to confirm it really is Sinbad. Maybe offer to help him get a bird of his own once you have explained the requirements of good bird keeping. I think that the suggestion of making him out to be the rescuer and not the bad guy may be the best approach. More flies with honey than vinegar theory.

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This is such a wrenching situation, I just want to clarify that there are always two sides and what I am suggesting is to think from both sides to create a win-win situation. As Dan said, if this is Sindbad, he didn't do anything illegal. I was just thinking about the suggestion of helping him to find another grey since there are so many in rescue type situations, so thanks to Greywings for that concept as well. As difficult as it is, you can't expect the other fellow to think as you think, or he would have known the great distress you are going through and would have moved hell and high water to get the bird reunited with its beloved companion, of course always with the "if" this is the case. What may be best case scenario is if you could put yourself into his head and come up with a solution you could both live with as a first attempt to reunite you with Sindbad if you can.

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I would suggest the following steps:


1. Make sure that it is Sindbad. How? Tell him you are willing to buy it, but would like to check out his health and condition. Somehow get close enough to be certain that it is Sindbad

2. If you are sure it is Sindbad, negotiate the price.


I cannot see any other option.


If you opt to take the police option, you have to ensure that the guy does not vanish with the bird.


After all, you are not yet hundred percent sure that it is Sindbad.

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What an awful situation to be in. Goodness I pray this story has a happy ending for you.

Your plan sounds like a sensible one. Figuring out how to get him back is a moot point if it's not Sinbad!

I'm not sure if helping this guy to find a grey of his own is relevant - he was quick to offer this one for sale.

As for the police, if you are going down that road, like Ecodweeb said, call them in front of him and do not leave until they arrive! Or else that bird would just get whipped away and hidden somewhere. Maybe the threat of police would be enough.

Good luck.

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I am so sorry you are in this position. I am emotional just reading it. You are very strong for staying so calm all this time through it all. Something surely seems off with this guy. Why would he ask how much they are worth and then be so quick to give his up for the exact price you told him? I know it must be hard to not go over there and ring this guys neck but I do believe you should stay calm and friendly with him. Dan has given good suggestions. Talk to him like a bird person and see if he can share stories about his bird. Try to feel him out to see if he's truthfully talking about a bird he loves. It is a good idea to ask if you can check him out before you buy him. If it is Sindbad and you don't have the money for him just try to string the guy along so he doesn't try to sell him to someone else. It might be dangerous to get the cops involved but should still be considered. Some cops are not always happy to help when it comes to pets. Try to stay on this guys good side. Remain as strong and calm as you can. If this is Sindbad at least he is in a home instead of outside where you have no idea where to look. If this is your beloved bird you will get him back it may just take time

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I really appreciate all your advice on the matter. Just to let you know this guy hasn't called me yet and I called him twice and left two messages.


He is not a bird lover or a bird owner and he has no stories to share. One of his neighbors told me he's had it for two or three weeks, but they are not sure. But they said that (the words were to me by another neighbor) before I told them when I lost mine.


The guy was very defensive in the beginning when I talked to him , and when I told him I would buy it, he answered right away using the same words I used when I talked to him in my lot last week. He said he's family. He is flat out lying about the whole thing. He even said he bought it from Orange County and this is what I told him when I was talking to him (that I live in Orange County).


As soon as I mentioned the $1000 he had a big smile on his face and changed his attitude. If we put all the puzzles together we find out that he is a lier. I'm just being careful not to lose my bird and to get assurances so that I'm not relying on hunches. Any way, pray for me.

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Every sign says this is Sindbad. This is good because he is safe and you will get him. It is hard to stay in the right state of mind. I know if I was in this position I would be in jail. I am sure you are having urges to break the law for your baby. Just keep in mind that you will be of no help to Sindbad from jail. Are you on friendly enough terms that you could show up at his house to see what's up without it being suspicious? I don't know if this could be of any help but this group is called rescue ink. They are tough motorcycle guys who rescue animals and scare the abusers. Maybe they can give you advice or go over there and scare the guy. I am sorry it is a hard situation to give good advice on but it's worth a shot http://www.rescueink.org/index1.10.html. You are in my prayers.

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Well, I went to the apartment and knocked at the door and a lady opened the door.. I asked about the guy and she told me he'd be there by 12. I told her he was selling me the bird and I asked if I could see it. She was reluctant. When I told her that I'm doubting somebody sold my bird to this guy and I just wanted to make sure it is my bird, she let me in. It is NOT my bird.


I feel SOOOOO ASHAAAAMED. I don't know how to make it up for this guy for doubting his integrity. I feel every time I come close to my bird I start from square one again. This is so depressing.

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Oh I cannot believe it ~ I was so confident from your description of events that it was. Luckily the level headed members of this forum (I'm not one of them!) posted sense and you didn't go in "guns a blazing".


I wouldn't feel ashamed doubting his integrity though - he's quite happy to take your money and give you the bird!


So, the search continues and I'll keep my fingers crossed. I really feel for you and I am sorry that this was a dead end :(

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Aww I am so sorry it turned out this way. It is such an upsetting situation that just sends you in circles. I'm sorry your going through this. Please try to stay strong though. It must feel so hopeless but you have to keep the faith. There is always hope just remain persistent and determined. You and Sindbad are in my prayers.

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