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Reading Body Language


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I've only been owned by our parrots since Sep 08, and they're ally very very young. Reading their clicks, whistles and body language has been a real challenge.


Early on,I read some things in books that turned out to be totally not true that resulting me in doing exactly the opposite of what I should have been doing.


There's precious little information out there on what various sounds and behaviors mean, and you could probably count the number of explained expressions readily available to a novice owner on one hand.


I've.. ahem... Cleo has posted a little of what we've learned here: http://greyttimes.com/?p=207 from all our fids. If anyone has more to add I'd love to hear it!<br><br>Post edited by: Lambert58, at: 2010/01/12 23:43

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What a cute write you did on your website. Thanks for sharing that. :-)


Some body language I hope you never come to know....


1 - Jump 3 feet and nail your finger: Leave my friggin toy alone infidel!!


2 - Fly in a 180 and nail the back of your neck bringing tears to your eyes: Don't EVER take something away from me I just got, whether it's dangerous to me or not...I WILL DETERMINE THAT, YOU FOOL!!!

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LMAO Dan, so true.


Our greys have a HUUUGE cage. So, often, when we let them out and have them in the office with us while we're working, we let the other fids enjoy their cage (they love ninja'ing their pellet bowl).


Well, today, Cleo caught sight of our gold cap and sun conures basking in the sun on her favorite perch right next to her water dish and was furious.


She flew to the top of the aviary and stomped around, and when I made the mistake of trying to get her to step up and come back into the office she N A I L E D me! Didn't draw blood but it wasn't for a lack of trying!


The kicker is she displayed none of the signs we usually see, she just was like ohh... hi daddy... is that your finger? WHAMMO!


First time she's ever been toweled. We made up with snuggles and nutriberries tho :) Nothing a good treat can't fix :)

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I have been wondering about all this and Ben is all-ways head down and just fluttering her wings a bit, when ever I leave the room, when she is in her cage I know she would rather me stay.


Also she will ,in the early morning fluff herself up in an aggressive stance, but after a few hours be OK to approach.


Any ideas about the morning thing she ain't a morning bird??

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Oooh - so glad that you brought this up - Harvey this week has started a "new" body swerve!


If he is up on a door or anything else high and I ask him to step up, or go to scratch him, he turns his head upside down and presses into my finger.


I'm sure it's a diversion tactic! Do any of your fids do this - mine does both of what Dan describes! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/01/15 19:15

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Oooh - so glad that you brought this up - Harvey this week has started a "new" body swerve!


If he is up on a door or anything else high and I ask him to step up, or go to scratch him, he turns his head upside down and presses into my finger.


I'm sure it's a diversion tactic! Do any of your fids do this - mine does both of what Dan describes! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/01/15 19:15

Ben allways turns her head all over the place when I tickle her :)
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Supernova wrote:

Any ideas about the morning thing she ain't a morning bird??

I don't know why Bernie, but Alfie isn't a morning person either. In fact, some days I daren't even look at her until after her tea!!!


Yep Jill - Alfie does that too - deversion tactic I think.


Dan - {Feel-good-0002006E}


I never heard that Jan - but will look it up now!!


Thanks Lambert, for starting this thread - informative and funny!!<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/01/15 20:01

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LOL @ Lambert - Greys are NOTORIOUS at hiding body language just so they can surprise you. I love the way you put it... WHAMMO!! :P


Others - The head twisted upside down is certainly a silly stance and most the time seems to be an offer to get "STUPID" with them. :-)


The Tail wag - Well Dayo just doesn't do it. But, it seems many Greys do. :-)


This a a good thread on the "Abby Normal" body language or lack there of. It truly compliments the of Body Language thread that deals with all the "Set in Stone" language all grey owners should know.

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danmcq wrote:

LOL @ Lambert - Greys are NOTORIOUS at hiding body language just so they can surprise you. I love the way you put it... WHAMMO!! :P


Others - The head twisted upside down is certainly a silly stance and most the time seems to be an offer to get "STUPID" with them. :-)


The Tail wag - Well Dayo just doesn't do it. But, it seems many Greys do. :-)


This a a good thread on the "Abby Normal" body language or lack there of. It truly compliments the of Body Language thread that deals with all the "Set in Stone" language all grey owners should know.


Willow, a.k.a. my little lovesnugglebaby (as far as the wife is concerned) does the upside-down head thing.


Willow rarely accepts scritches, but instead her form of affection is the upside-down-head-beaking-squeeking-snuggleing thing. If you've experienced it, you know exactly what I'm talking about, if you haven't it'd be very very hard to explain without video, which I've been trying to get for a week!

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This is a great thread, thanks for starting it.


One thing I have found is that different species have different body language, although greys' body language varies it is easier to read. I've had my hahns macaw for 6 months now and I'm only just beginning to read him, he is a crafty little devil though - small but cunning lol.

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