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Meet Nemo


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I wanted to share my latest flock member with everyone and give some of his or her history that I know. Nemo is a Meyer parrot and much smaller than any of our other flock members. Nemo is the name we gave him after bringing him home. We found him at the pet store we always go to right before Christmas. Nemo plucks. Apparently someone placed Nemo and it's companion on the doorsteps of the pet store and just left them there to be found by the store owners. (Some people :angry: ) They said there was a note but it didn't say much other than they were about 12 years old. They had already sold the companion to Nemo and we decided that for Christmas he was going to get a new home and we took him home that day. They said he had been checked by the vet and was healthy.


Nemo plucks his back between his wings, small area on each wing on top and his chest feathers. When we brought him home he had a lot of down feathers on his chest and few small blue ones but after just a few days of being in his new house he pretty much plucked all of them out. Poor thing has been through a lot.


It's been about 3 to 4 weeks now. A few feathers has started to come back in but I don't know if he will leave them alone or not. I've never had a plucker before so all I know from reading other posts is to use aloe juice and aloe gel and get a humidifyer to get moisture into the air.


I mist him once or twice a day with the aloe juice. I tried the gel 2 times and he plucks like crazy after I applied it so I haven't used it again. I got a humidifyer and that's all I know to do right now.


He seems to be adjusting well. He's very friendly and he likes us. I haven't seen any problems with behavior except the plucking.


If anyone out there reading this has experience with pluckers please please let me know what to do. I'd like Nemo to grow those pretty blue feathers back. If he does I will be thrilled...if he doesn't I will love him anyway. :)


Nemo_3_wk_a.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2010/01/12 00:38


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Poor little scrap! How sad that someone could just dump a couple of birds like that. I suppose at least they took them to a store where they would be cared for. Still, it makes me:angry: !

Hopefully he will soon realise he is on to a good thing and stop the feather pulling!

I've used my Karma for tonight, but there will be some coming your way tomorrow!

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I know, I can't understand it either. How can someone do such a thing!! Then again, I think they probably knew they couldn't take care of them and thought a pet store was the best place for them. So, there was some logic to it.


Anyways, Nemo is family now...feathers or not. :P<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2010/01/12 00:45

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Nemo is a cutie in spite of his missing feathers and I think things might improve for him now that he is in a home where he will receive attention and unconditional love, who knows maybe he will stop the plucking, thanks Erika for sharing a couple of pics of him with us and keep us posted on how he does.

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nemo is a lovely little bird. It makes me so mad that those "people" if you can call them that, just dumped the birds outside of the petstore. I am sure he is a very happy little guy now :) Karma to you for giving him a new home and making it a special Christmas for him!

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Nemo is a true sweetie. I can't get over how small he is next to the other parrots. He really isn't that much bigger than a parakeet it seems but he grinds his beak just like the big boys:lol:


I ordered a product last night upon Daves recommendation. Hopefully, it will arrive soon and hopefully it will work. I'm optimistic.

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Nemo is so cute! A right little poser there for the camera. For the owner to have had them for 12 years it must have been hard giving them up - but they should have gone about it more responsibly really.


Karma to you for giving Nemo a new home - I look forward to the updates and progress of such a lovely little bird

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I've been thinking about WHY & how could someone just drop them off at a pet store and the only thing I can come up with in my head is maybe the owner passed away and left them to someone... a friend, their grown children perhaps and they didn't want them or weren't able to give them their proper care or didn't know how. Perhaps they started to pluck under the care of the new "caretakers" and the only thing they could think of was to drop them off at a pet store where they knew the would be cared for. Obviously if they were real parrot people, they wouldn't just abandon them like that or they could have found a proper home for them. They weren't out for money thats for sure. (Can't say that for the pet store though):whistle:


Nemo is well socialized, has a great appetite, eats pellets but shuns the seeds if you can believe that. Also loves fresh fruits, veggies and loves human food too. It know what the kitchen is and that there is food there and will crawl down my sleeve to get goodies from the counter:laugh: Nemo was clipped at the store but I can tell he used to be a flyer. Other than the plucking it's a well rounded bird.


Another theory is that the pet store just made the story up????


I will keep updating Nemos progess as it's made. Thanks everyone for welcoming Nemo into the mix {Love-000200BF}

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I had a 3 week old Cockateil dropped off on my doorstep once he had a note saying I manage to find homes for the rest of my flock but this little guy needs speicial care as he is not weaned yet. I have to leave to country and cannot take him with me. I saw all your beautiful birds and just knew you could give him the perfect home he was a white face Cockateil and what a sweetie he turned out to be. I wrote this because there are many reasons why people have to give up their beloved pets and we should not critisize what we don't know. He is very pretty Erica I'm sure with all the love and attention he will get fromyou he will be a beautiful fully feathered bird in no time I love his coloring.

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Our local pet store gets birds and other animals left on their doorstep all the time. I guess they (former owners) believe that is the better place for them than the humane society or just left abandoned. The humane society also places exotic animals with them when they come in. I got my Sully because the local gas station called this pet store to come catch the loose eclectus, they sure didn't know how to get him to come down. So perhaps it is really a smart thing to do. Regardless of how or why Nemo is with Erika, I know Nemo's life is now much, much better, 10-fold!

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