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Poor CAG in Petland


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The Petland up the block always has a CAG in their store for sale. From the time I have been going in there I have seen about 3 or 4 different ones who have all seemed fine. The most recent one in there is very small and is said to be 3 years old. A few weeks ago I was visiting him/her every day just to be around them. One of the days they seemed to of started plucking slightly on their chest. The next day he/she was sticking their tongue out, refusing to open their eyes and keeping their mouth open. I got a worker to check on them whose response was "Oh he's probably just dehydrated" as if it happened every day. She said someone was with him that morning and at this time it was almost 8 at night. The worker told me he is "weird" he curses and bites and no one likes him. Before I left I asked the manager to keep an eye on him. By the end of the night the whole work crew was giving me dirty looks. Every time I go in there I play the blinking game with him and he seems to like it. I mean he is starved for affection. I have put in an application to work there and put on it that I would even like to just spend time with the bird without pay. I just want to do something to help him. He used to cost $1500 and they have dropped the price to $999. If I had the money and didn't have Mikey coming I would take him in a second. My concern is if I do get to work with him how can I be sure I don't bring any diseases home to Mikey and vice versa? Do you know of any way I can report this to someone who will help the poor bird? Thank you in advance for any ideas.

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This is so sad, I'm sure there have been other posts on here from people observing similar situations, and I'm not sure what can be done, if anything.

I'm not allowed to go into live pet shops anymore incase I bring all the poor critters home!

I hope this little lad finds a happy ending! Good luck with the application.

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I have to stop myself from going into pet shops that sell live animals because there is always some soul that pulls at my heart. A local store that had two CAGs, one that plucked and one that barbared, closed two months ago and I can't stop wondering what happened to those birds, especially since they both seemed to bond with me instantly, letting me scratch and feed them through the bars of their too small cages. I know I can't responsibly take on another animal, but walking away was sooo hard just thinking about them now has me teary. They were also over-priced ($1500 Cdn for a 12 year old plucker!) I hope one day, hopefully within my life span, pet stores are limited to selling only pet supplies (maybe selling fish would be ok if well cared for) and re-homing is done by qualified rescues. No more Craig's list, no more commisioned sales, no more impulse buys. A society can be judged on how it treats it's most vulnerable, human or otherwise, and right now as a whole, we're not doing so great!:(

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Ugh that makes me sick :( I wish I could get him. That is so freakin mean that they said they don't like him etc. And dehydrated??? helllllo. That is BAD. I will say this for my petland, I hate that they can sell live animals too, but at least the employees seem to love the animals. Maybe you could call Petlands corporate headqarters. I called on a petstore one day and the district manager called me and she seemed genuinely upset by what I told her and promised me that I would never see it in that condition again. Tell them if they give the bird to one of us we won't report them :evil: just kidding, I wish it worked that way. But seriously you might call them. Then again, I am always afraid they will take it out on the bird. Maybe we could try and get the money up so you could get him?

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I really wish there was some sort of law in Ireland where Bigger birds could only be sold from breeders and not in petstores. It's not right! These birds are sitting in the cages all day and then left alone all night! There not getting fed the right foods and they don't get any attention only a hello of every costumer. Most of the staff don't know anything about them either.It's so sad :( Their way to intelligent for that treatment!

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