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A new start in life.


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Well everyone, Im intoducing a new member to our family who is a 7 year old male Cag called Tully.

He is the latest addition to my flock (yes I did say I would stop at three) but I am so pleased he is now a part of my family.

Tully was left by his owners 9 months ago when they emigrated and they sold him to a pet store, prevous to this he lived in a builders merchants yard.

I have known Tully since he came to the pet store and deep down I have known I was gonna take this bird home but tried to tell myself three greys was enough.

He is plucked and dosent talk, the pet store had him at a ridculous price and wouldnt come down but I decided there is no price to change an animals life.

He came to me this morning and seems happy enough in himself. He is accepting treats and has been a little bit vocal.

I have a long road ahead and will welcome any advice. He is in a really horrible cage with a couple of old toys, Im not gonna change things for a while ( even though I would love to) as I am gonna take things really slowly with him.

He has never eaten veg or fruit and is on a cheap seed diet.

He is in a seperate room to my other greys, who are really curious as they keep hearing him and dont know what is going on.

I am happy with how is today, and hope tonight wont be too bad as Im sure my other greys will be unsettled at the new noises and Tully will be scared in a new place.

I will post pictures later but they are not great as he is obviously in the cage.

I hope you welcome Tully to the forum, I will give regular updates and welcome any advice:)

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Look forward to his new beginnings with you and following the improvements ahead for him, I know he will blossom in your care. It is always an amazing difference when a bid gets fresh food a better cage with toys and things to do but most of all feels safe and loved.{Feel-good-000200BB}

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You have such a wonderful heart. I'm sure Tully will thrive under your care. Can't wait to see photos and will watch for your updates. I need advice as well. I took in a little Meyer parrot that was abandoned on a pet stores door step right before Christmas. He or she is a plucker as well. We did this right before Christmas and told him he was going to get a new loving home for Christmas. It amazed me too that they charged top dollar for this little bird that they had nothing invested in and only had him or her for a week, but you are right there is no price you can put on changing a living creatures life.


It's okay that you got one more;) I am up to 5 now. :blush: I will be watching this post and waiting for updates. Oh, one more thing. My new Meyer (Nemo is his name) plucks his back between his wings, a little on the top of his wings and his chest. He had some down feathers coming in on his chest when we brought him home but within 2 or 3 days he plucked them all out. I figured this setback was from the added stress coming to a new place. I am misting him daily with aloe vera and have bought a humidifyer since the air is so dry during these cold winter months. We've only had him about 3 weeks. I don't know if I can help Nemo stop the plucking but know I will love him whether he plucks or not.


You are such a good person for giving Tully a new shot at life. Karma to you my friend. :)

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That's wonderful news Caroline - you softie!!!! You already have three fabulous, gorgeous and well socialised birdies and I am sure that Tully will be your fourth! Tully will realise what a lucky, lucky boy he is ~ karma, karma, karma and more to you! Can't wait to see some pictures!


Note to Tully: You're one lucky, lucky little boy!!!

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Man! You kept that quiet! :laugh:

I would have been beside myself keeping a secret like that!!

How lovely that this poor little soul has found his way into your home. Karma to you for rescuing him! Looking forward to hearing how Tully settles in and how your flock react to him.

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Wow Caroline, I am really surprised you finally added the fourth grey but I know you will do your best to make Tully happy and maybe get him fully feathered again, if anyone can it will be you.


I can't wait to see some pictures of him when you get the chance and hear how he settles into the flock in the coming weeks and months.


Congrats Caroline, I am so pleased.

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