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Hi everyone, the last time i wrote in this forum i was very desperate since my late parrot Obi was ill and a couple of days afterwards he died of PBFD. It got me a while to get over him but finally after almost a year i decided to buy another grey. His name is GUGU ad he's about six months old and i've had him for 3 months. We haven't bonded very much since he's a bit tough to bond with but still i am the only person in the house he can trust (and won't bite). However i have moved out a month ago as i got engaged and GUGU is now lonely at my parents house. I visit him once a day and to play with him outside of his cage for about an hour. Even though my parents are trying hard he won't play or speak or eat unless i am there. They cannot let him out since he bits them and if i dont manage to visit for a day he will not eat or speak for an entire day. I do not know what to do. I though about bringing him to my new flat but both my fiance and i are away long hours and i dont want him being left alone all the time. My parents house is always lively as my mom is a housewife and she's always home. He has a lovely big clean cage, lots of toys, the best food available and company all day long. Is he depressed? how can he bond with the rest of my family? will he be happier staying with me and being alone for most of the day? please help!

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How long is he to be on his own at your new house? Both my husband and I work full time and are regularly out of the house between 7am and 5pm five days a week. Harvey is fine - he is well socialised, he has the radio on for company, has plenty of toys and food in his cage and as soon as we are home he is out of his cage for 4+ hours.


At the weekends he is rarely in his cage as we are home for most of it. He is missing you - he obviously isn't happy that you aren't there.


It takes a very long time for a bird to accept someone else. Harvey chose me as "the one" when we got him and at one year old he is just now stepping up onto my husband's hand and lets him scratch him - although it's for very short periods of time.


I say bring him to yours! ;)

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I have to agree with Jill, bring him to your home for he will be happier there. Gugu is your bird and he belongs with you even though you are gone during the weekdays, so am I and my two birds are fine, they get used to it. I provide them with toys, keep food and water in their cages and they amuse themselves until I get home and then they are out the remainder of the day and out most of the time on weekends.


He obviously is bonded to you hence he doesn't eat until you visit so take him home where he will see you every day and see if things improve.

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both myself and my fiance are away during workhours (9-5) on weekdays, so if it works for your greys then i will give it a shot. I just got back from my parents house where i let him out of his cage for about two hours. My dad let him out last night and when he tried ot put him back he bit him so he had to use the gloves! the radio is a brilliant idea! I will try it and hopefully my baby will be happier this way! thanks for your help, really appreciate it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love to know how things are working out for you and Gugu and your family. Changes are difficult for everyone involved, but I am confident that you will get it sorted and everyone will come to adjust to the best schedule you can keep. I was wondering how far you live from your parents, since you visited with Gugu everyday, it must be close. If he is at your house, can your mother check in on him from time to time, he is sure to miss her a bit too, maybe if she visits while you are transitioning him it would be easier on everyone. My daughters' pets are like family to me and I would be willing to help my kids too. It is good that your parents are so supportive as well.

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