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Going Pro

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Hello to all slaves of the GREY QUEENS out there...yes, I too am a slave to a very demanding and opinionated Grey by the name of Rustina...I had named her Rusty when I originally brought her home because I was told she, was a he, ..but after her first vet visit and had been sexed was informed I had a she, not a he, it became Rustina...anyhow...she has owned me for going into our thirteenth year together and I continue to learn new things about her all the time... she has certain character quirks...but don't we all...I plan to post lots of pictures and develope my profile as we go along into this new and always adventurous future...so from Rusters and myself....Happy New Year!

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Thankyou summerc...I don't know about having a whole lot of knowledge because just when I believe that I'm totally 'in the know' about what makes Rust tic...she throws me a curve ball and I'm scratching my head wondering 'now why didn't I see that coming?'...I firmly believe that she knows me much better than I know her..

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At one time...a few years back, she had a roomate by the name of Zena...Zena is a Blue Front Amazon...Rustina tortured that bird..but in her own way was fond of her. Circumstances changed so drastically that poor Zena was given up...she would let out horrible jungle sqwaucks...all day...and not let my boyfriend sleep...(he works graveyard)....something had to give...so Zena was sold..she now owns another woman and they get along famously...it was painful of course...now Rustina is an only bird..except for the finches ... she barely acknowlegdes them......but she 'did' keep something of little Zena......that ear piercing sqwauck....so when she REALLY wants your attention...oh yeh..you guessed it....AAAAAAUUUUUUUCKKKK!!!...Fortunately..for her..she doesn't do it during the time he's asleep...phew...Cause I'd have to move out.....

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