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How scarred up is your right hand?


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Left for you lefties :)


We have 6 fids, and after 1 year, I'd have to say I don't even feel the bites any more. My index finger and thumb look like I'm a professional weed whacker stopper lol.


I'll qualify this by saying we don't want our fids to bite, and we do everything we can, but somtimes they're not trying to hurt us but they rip off a solid "beaking" that draws blood, but it's ok lol.

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Lol - I went through a phase with Alfie earlier last year where I was getting regular and serious bites. Touch wood, I think we've knocked that on the head so my scarring days are behind me - phew!! But yes, it was all on my right hand. Haven't had any for a while (you watch - I'll bet I just jinxed me!)


P.s. What is a weed whacker stopper!!!??? The most I can figure out is it's something to do with horticulture?

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You get used to it after the third skin graft :evil:


Seriously when people tell me they want to get a cute parrot just like mine I warn them that apart from the expense, the mess the noise and the lifetime commitment to a spoilt flying permanent three year old brat. They could also take chunks out of their hands. They are wonderful creatures but never to be taken up on a whim!

Misty rarely inflicts a hard bite on me and it is always my fault when he does.



Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2010/01/11 15:19

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Lol, my left hand has lots of little scratches that I get daily from her talons, but luckily nothing big... Yoshi very rarely leaves a mark with her beak, just hard enough to hurt and get her point across, then she will push my hand away and I don't try her more than that.


She's pretty loving really, as long as you don't push her after it's obvious she doesn't want to do something :)

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First, because I have friable skin I use a pearch for step up and lots of padding when we cuddle but I am a member of the bite me club.

Second, a weed whacker is used for cutting down weeds and long grass around trees, etc. It uses a fast whirling string and could do a serious number on amyone trying to stop it so that's the joke part.

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Okay I do not get bitten that often but I have had two bites tonight and one broke the skin. It sdeems like whenever he is in the mood to bite I get several in a row, then he won't bite me again for months. Wow Luv you are so lucky! lol Shaka zulu bites me, draws blood then wants to be kissy kissy. I don't even know what made him bite me both times tonight. Usually I know I moved too fast to scratch his head or something and scared him. I have some on both hands now lol I pick him up with both if he is in a biting mood, I alternate so one poor hand does not get all the beak lol Like tonight I got one on each hand.

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kittykittykitty wrote:

Second, a weed whacker is used for cutting down weeds and long grass around trees, etc. It uses a fast whirling string and could do a serious number on amyone trying to stop it so that's the joke part.


Lol, thanks Kitty! We call them strimmers!! I get the picture though!!

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