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Hi, my name is Matt. I live in San Diego and am very interested in owning a Grey. I have a wife and a 3 yr. old boy. I live in a two story house and plan to purchase a baby grey in the very near future. I have communicated with a local breeder and am hoping to secure a Grey.

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Hi Matt, welcome to you and your family! There are oodles of information in the many threads of this forum that will answer a lot of the questions you may have about greys. And of course, you can ask/post away and everyone will try to help you out. Welcome to the Grey Family!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/01/10 19:52

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Hi Matt, welcome to our family. You're doing the right thing in researching before you purchase a grey - they're not all tricks and mimickry as seen on You Tube!


You'll find everything you need to know around here - but if not, just shout up and ask - there's always someone around to answer any questions you may have!

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Welcome Matt!


It's always good to see someone researching and asking questions BEFORE they go purchase a Grey or any other "Pet" for that matter.


Somethings you need to know, if you don't already about owning a Parrot:


1. They have powerful beaks that can inflict wounds requiring stitches. ON a young child like you have, they could actually damage a finger crippling the use of it for life.


2. They do not normally like very young children darting about flailing their arms and laughing or screaming.


3. They require a minimum of 4 hours out of cage time with one on one attention by their owners.


4. They make messes with their food by slinging it out of the cage against walls and on to the floor.


5. They require a large cage, lots of toys and need to be in the room you and family are in most when you are home. They need to feel like a part of the flock whether in or out of the cage. Otherwise, they will result to feather plucking and develop behavior issues you don't want to encounter or deal with.


6. They live long lives of 30 to 60 years, have the intelligence of a 3 to 5 year old child and require mental and physical stimulation.


7. The require specialized diets that includes daily mixtures of veggies, nuts, seeds, fruit occasionally and all this costs $$$ along with very expensive toys they will destroy in just a few days. These things must all be supplied continually or you will end up with a very unhappy, malnourished and possible aggressive attitude after a while.


8. They are not like a domesticated dog or cat that is happy just to get a pet, scratch from a human every once in a while. They are still basically wild and relate to humans as such.


9. Many Parrots in up in rescues due to people thinking they want a parrot that talks and acts like the ones they see videos of or have watched on a tv program. This is just a few second time slice of what is required to get a parrot to do that and does not reflect the nature at all of keeping a Parrot 24-7 for decades.


10. Your friends will not appreciate your Parrot as you and comment on how you are crazy.


11. You will have poop on your shoulders, floors and also holes chewed in your shirts, buttons bitten off, curtains chewed on,remotes destroyed, keyboards keys missing, any wood they can reach chewed on etc. It is what a parrot does and you will never change their natural behavior.


If I have not made you stop in your tracks and decide that a parrot is not for you at this point in your life. Then congratulations! You are joining a great great group of parrot lovers. :-)

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Hello Matt and welcome to our family, we are so pleased you have decided to bring a grey into your home. If you are certain this is the right choice then you are in for a lifetime of joy and companionship.


Dan has given you some excellent advice and you will learn lots more by reading thru the many threads here on this forum and ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

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