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Jake wants to take a bath...


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Jake, the suspected wild caught peach front. Has come a long way in the last 4 years trying to get him to trust and accept us. So if anyone is wondering how long it COULD take for any sign of a bird finally deciding to trust you. Just take this as an extreme example.


He will now fly to our shoulders, ride around, nibble and tickle our face and ears etc. he is not to the point of letting us give him scratches yet. But, he has truly come along by leaps and bounds in the last 6 months.


He is also saying in the best very high pitched and scratchy Conure voice, Hello, Hi, How are you, good boy and I must say this completely has taken us by surprise. I first could hear him practicing starting about 3 months ago. No clue why he decided to try, but it is endearing to know he wants to be a "Flock" member. :-)


He is trying to get a bath in this video, which he dearly loves. They must be in doors now due to the cold temperatures.


Dayo just can't stand Jake getting this kind of attention, so of course tries his best to interrupt it.


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Nice video Dan. Those conures sure love their baths don't they? And great news that Jake is talking. Our conure has a language but I don't understand it, but I know they are words. It is odd that he would start after such a long time. Congrats on all the progress you have made with him.


Was Dayo just jealous of Jake getting the attention? Do they normall get along?


Thanks for sharing the video.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

Was Dayo just jealous of Jake getting the attention? Do they normally get along?


Dayo and Jake get along as long as Jake does not get in to Dayo's "Zone". I would estimate that zone to be about 12 inches.


Dayo will tolerate it for perhaps a minute or more, then chase Jake off.


Dayo is jealous of Jake when Jake plays with any of his toys, is on our shoulder, leg or arm and will fly over and try to shoo Jake off. I and Kim normally block this and protect Jake to show we respect his need for personal time on us and can feel that we will protect him from harassment.


Dayo was jealous of the attention Jake was getting in taking a bath and tried to spoil it for him. Dayo will not get in himself most the time and will just sit once he has finally gotten Jake away from the water and bask in his sense of a job well done.


Whats interesting. Is I know they both appreciate each others company. If it were up to Jake, they would be preening buddies. But, Dayo will not allow that closeness. He will call Jake by name. tell him "It's Ok", "Come on Jake" etc. if he can't see him for a while and Jake will come flying in like the loyal friend. :-) Then Dayo will shoo him off if he gets to close.:S


I can not figure out what has made this change in Jake after so long. But, it is an even bigger joy now to have him around. We have loved and respected him from the day I brought him home, but this is just a feeling of somehow, some way, a break through has happened, due to some unknown lock that was opened. Maybe it was a hidden room in his brain that had a pre-set time like a bank vault. :P

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It's good to hear that deep down Dayo really appreciates Jake being around.:laugh: It amazes me how birds interact with each other. With mine it seems they are just like kids sometimes. One day some are buddies and the next day they are getting on each others nerves. All depends on the circumstances and "zones" as you said.

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What a good video Dan. Jake is really enjoying his bath and doesn't let Dayo deter him in the least. He knows he can fly faster and maneuver better. I think it is just the best that Jake has started talking. Java barely made any intelligible words for three years and suddenly since we were watching videos and bringing another bird home she started talking prolifically, and now has stopped again. Both Jake and Dayo really do look like it is all in good fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is so sweet great video the Conure sure do love their bath time don't they My Macaws are the same way I'm sure they would love to stay wet 24/7 if they could its good to hear that Jake has finally decided that he would like to be part of your flock he sure is a pretty little thing.

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