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Parrot People - Building a Stereotype!


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I've always liked the abnormal, the different, taking a walk or a chance on something other than the typical. I don't think I will ever own a dog or a cat as they're just too common for me, not as much of a challenge to me. I have always had a thing for parrots since I was a kid. I've always been mesmorized by the intelligence of parrots, and how quickly they can pick up on things. At first when I started bringing home birds, my mom did think I was a bit crazy, but now that she is around them and sees how smart and funny they can be, she is just as in love with them as I am. Although I do find that some people look at me crazy when I tell them that I have several parrots. Then again most everyone looks at anyone funny that goes against the grain, or strays from the mainstream!

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Straying from the mainstream is often fraught with ridicule but pioneering thinkers built the society we know today!!


People also seek comfort and assurance from things perceived as `normal` or socially common practises!.


Rather than embracing a challenge they choose the well trodden path and the security of mass following.


Here in the UK parrot keeping is not as popular as in the US and it currently still relies on a minority group of dedicated individuals to `clear` the path for others to follow. :side:

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I have always loved birds, I had a cocatiel when I was still living in my parent's house. What I love most about them, is that they will ALWAYS love you, they grow so close to you and really become a friend for life. Many people can learn so much from a beautiful parrot! :)

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