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Parrot People - Building a Stereotype!


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Hi Fellow Grey Owners,


I usually have mixed reactions from people when they learn that I am the proud owner of an African Grey. For some individuals it is seen as absurd and for others as a curiosity. I have always had a keen interest in ornithology and nature, and generally anything that is off the beaten path. `I like to be different` and view it as part of my identity. I dont like to conform to the sterotypical `slave of society` and my political leanings and idealisms reflect this. What type of individual/ personality are you and what is it that you feel attracts you to parrots.


In anticipation of Insight.



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Parrots are highly intelligent, beautiful, loving, fun, curious, playful, loyal creatures with the amazing gift of flight and vocalization.


I personally am a Molecular Biologist and generally appreciate animals and nature. I am constantly amazed with the diversity and beauty that has evolved in this world.

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Wow you two sound so smart and technical and I am in awe of your intelligence so my answer will sound corny. I love them because they are beautiful and fun to have around, and if they talk that is a plus. I have always been a cat person but in the last few years I have taken an avid interest in parrots, wished I had found them sooner.


I have encountered people who tell me why did I want a pet that makes such a mess and is loud sometimes but it is a matter of personal preference and I just shrug it off and go on loving my Josey and Sunny.

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Hello dbhelix,


Thanks for the reply,


Two key words stand out `biology` and `diversity`, in combination these two words epitomise a deep awe and fascination for the wonders of evoultion. Perhaps these are two requisite traits for the aspiring parrot owner.


Many thanks for your contribution.:)

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I come from a large family 5 sisters and 2 brothers, we grew up on a farm for my early years. After moving into a small town we still had lots of animals. I am use to lots of noise and animals around. I always wanted a grey and now that children are gone, I live with a very quiet husband I think I need some more noise in my life.

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Well I think lots and lots of people just plain old love these animals cuz they are just so darn cute and fun!! Like Judygram said... :P In addition their intelligence is undeniable by anyone that is willing to spend a little time around them. I grew up as a young child with my grandmother's red lored Amazon that is older than me! So I sort of came up with an appreciation of birds from the beginning B)

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Hi Ian,


My reason is simple - My interest in all the wonders of Nature.


Amongst all the previous animals, fish, birds and reptiles I have had over decades. The Grey is probably the finality and most intriguing of it...


Expressing my social or political stance has nothing to do with it. My opinion, is that neither should....


I was never ostracized, spoken Ill of or experienced any other type of prejudice held against me, over having any of them as pets, by any of the very different social , religious, scientific or any other groups I spend time and interact with.


Most, over the years, have simply been intrigued by these natural wonders.


My only negatively perceived social or political stance by some (which never expressed it). Would have been from, My Drag Racing, Motocross, Boating, Street Bike and Street Rod group of friends I socialize with and enjoy very much. We just do it, because it's FUN............:woohoo:


Most Electronic Engineers, are not this wild, but I always have been, yet professional at work...


{Characters-0002005D}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/28 04:44

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Well this subject has certainly provoked a response.B) I dont keep a parrot `because of` my political leanings etc..:P I was simply expressing another facet of my personality, it just seems that the companion parrot owners I have had the pleasure of meeting are just a little off the beaten track (those that are intrigued and do not purchase for ornamental reasons)....However this has been resticted to England, perhaps it us Limeys that are a bit strange...lol..:) .


I used top keep tropical fish and then progressed to reef keeping but I will agree that the acquistion of a Grey(s) has certainly topped them all....My CAG continues to intrigue on a daily basis.


Keep up the responses guys and thanks for all those that have contributed to this posting :side:

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A little political `grey` humour!


Before the collapse of communism, this Russian guy loses his pet parrot. He looks everywhere, all around the neighborhood, in the park, everywhere. He can't find the parrot. Finally he goes around to the KGB office, and tells the desk officer his problem. The officer is a little puzzled. "Look, comrade, I'm sorry you lost your bird, but this is the KGB. We don't handle missing animal reports." "Oh, I know that", says the guy. "I just wanted you to know, if you do find my parrot... I don't know where he could have picked up all his political ideas." B)

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LOL - Ian good one! :laugh:


I appreciate your starting this topic. It is good to read "Why" each of us decided to obtain a "Grey".


I'm still waiting to hear from a Pirate ;)


I want to know if the eye-patch is from the Parrot removing it B)

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Mostly I have pets cause I can't have children and to try and fill that void in my life.

I use to be a dog person but after buring five I wanted something that lived a lot longer and researched parrots and got my first quaker over 11 years ago that sadly died from teflon accident. But after that I was hooked on parrots.

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I keep a parrot as I am intriguiged and interested in all animals. I love a challenge and want to build a fantastic relationship with my bird.

I do however, get a lot of stick from some of my friends who think 'keeping a bird in a cage' is cruel.

I think they are ignorant and dont realise how much effort and worry we put into making sure our birds are happy, content and fulfilled. I would certainly not be keeping a parrot if he spent all day 'in a cage'!

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I'm a pirate. =] And I think I already explained eye patches in another thread- pirates covered one eye in battle so when they went down into the dark cabin for more supplies, they could remove the eye patch and the eye that was already adjusted to the dark could see.


Next time we take Jacques on our boat, I'll remember my camera...

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Guest briansmum

so many deep answers to this question. i guess being a bit querky myself and having lots of time on my hands i wanted something interesting to occupy that time that i could care for, learn from, love and that would love me back. when i looked into it a grey fit that bill. he's the only one that doesnt think any less of me for talking utter rubbish and being a complete loon most of the time :laugh:

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