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Flying cross country


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I will be getting a CAG. My brother breeds them and will be shipping Morgan to me via Continental Airlines (from TX to NH.) Morgan is now 5 months old.


I know to get Morgan acclimated in advance to his flight cage. And of course he will be checked out by an avian vet before the flight, and we're choosing the shortest flight possible. Do you have any other special tips for Morgan's journey?


Thank you!!

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I just had Charlie, my TAG shippped via Continental. He arrived on a night when it was -6*F with -30* wind chills. They took great care of him.


If you don't mind waiting around, I'd suggest going early to pick Morgan up. I was advised to get to the cargo office a little before the flight was scheduled to arrive to kindly 'remind' them that there will be a live, warm blooded animal that they need to get off quickly and warmly.

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mareeee wrote:

If you don't mind waiting around, I'd suggest going early to pick Morgan up. I was advised to get to the cargo office a little before the flight was scheduled to arrive to kindly 'remind' them that there will be a live, warm blooded animal that they need to get off quickly and warmly.


That is great advice Mareee, karma for the suggestion!

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  • 3 weeks later...

One other thing. Continental will only fly pets in cargo if the plane has a heated/pressurized cargo area for them. Even though Continental flys into Manchester, NH, I had to go to Boston to get Morgan. The planes they fly into Manchester (smaller, I assume) do not have the correct cargo holds.


When I went to get Morgan, there were several other pets also traveling. Those owners had come from far away as well. So my bottom line: I think Continental is very careful with pet shipping. Morgan's water BOWL (not bottle) still had its water in it! So I give Continental thumbs up for Morgan's trip.

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