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could u spot ur grey


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i was looking through the thread grey owners what do u look like and lots of you have pics of your grey.


most peopole wouldn't be able to tell the difference from one grey to another but i look at them and dont think tigerlily looks like them, shes got a certain "look" about her.


would anyone be able to pic their grey out from a crowd?


maybe theres some way to try it out on here

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This is a really great topic. I'm convinced I could spot my greys, my GCCs, my sun conure and my gold capped conure based solely on body language, and we've only been parronts for just over a year (less in some cases).


I know their eyes, beaks, behaviors.... but If you were to put my crazy GCC (Rusty) in with 20 other GCCs, how long would it take me to find him? Interesting question... I think I could locate him within a minute.

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Oooh - so I have a choice not to recognise him here!!! I'll trade him for that lovely quiet one in the corner - yip - that's definitely Harvey :laugh:


Harvey doesn't really have any distinguishing marks, but I think I would probably recognise him from the way he moves and stands etc. Because he's fully flighted too he can be anywhere in the house and I just call to him - and he comes to me - so really, Harvey will have a choice if he recognises me too!!!


Great thread, thanks for starting it :)

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I will put another slant on this topic.Could you prove it is your grey.Just say it got stolen or escaped and someone took it in but would not relinquish ownership.I am a great fan of micro chipping for just these reasons.

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Ana Grey is micro-chipped. She is fully flighted now and my worse fear is the little stinky will succeed in getting out the door. She so loves to fly! I believe she would fly to me if she were in a large room flying free, she does love to be with me and comes looking for me all the time.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/01/10 19:44

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Mistyparrot wrote:

I'm sure could always spot Misty in a crowd because he is the best looking one:laugh:



Lol Steve - that's what I was going to say!!


An excellent thread though Tigerlily - I've often wondered that very thing! I'm sure I would recognise her though - she'd be the one hanging off my hair!! Lol I'd like to think I could recognise her from her looks, by the tiny little differences that you can't neccesarily put your finger on, but you would know when you see your grey next to another 30!


As for proving your grey was yours without microchipping - you could prove the bird was yours by knowing what phrases she said, and then the bird would prove it by flying right to your hand whenever you went in the room!! (Ha ha - I haven't thought about that much have I!!?)

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My husband and I actually talked about this after I read this thread. I'd be able to tell by the way she acted around me, the little red feathers currently scattered on her belly, the little white feathers that pokes out on her wing... Mike (husband) said he could tell by the way she acted when he told her to do tricks, like 'bang' and falling over just the way she does... and by the marks on her beak...

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