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Attack Mode Triggers.


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:( As both of my parrots mature I am discovering that being on the telephone or simply "holding" the phone will immediately put the both of them in "attack mode"


It took us about 4 attack episodes to finally "get it". My pionus parrot's feathers will raise very high making her head very poofy looking, her tail feathers will flare out and then she'll attack very HARD. She is normally very docile and gentle.


My African grey will fly straight to us from wherever she is, land on our shoulder and give us what she would consider "a warning bite" on our cheek. Both situations are very dangerous for the both of us so now we avoid the phone completely in their presence.


If we need to use it then we go in another room and CLOSE the door.


It will be interesting to see what other situations will set them off. Living with a "wild creature" definitely has its challenges.


What are you parrot's "attack" triggers?

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A key trigger seems to be jealousy of Phone, computer, other parrot getting attention, reading a book or paper.... anything that has our attention etc. and THEY want us to pay attention to THEM ONLY.


Dayo and Jake will both do similar things like little nips or try to chase the "Other" away.

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Yep same thing in our house, Rangi actually looks put out when I am on the phone like how dare you and he races over. The camera is another one for Rangi, as soon as it is brought out he goes into attack mode. Kea isn't as bad as Rangi she is more watching what is going on.

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