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Eating Newspaper?


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Hi all, I am new on here and also new to owning an CAG, My Boris is nearly 3 years old, i had him for xmas, he has settled in really well, such a character. However i have noticed that he keeps dropping his fruit and veg to the bottom of his cage, wrapping it in newspaper and eating it..! now surly this isnt right is it? Should i take the paper away?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Many Thanks



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Hi Ginnette, as Sheila asked, is Boris really eating the paper? My grey and my ekkie both love to shred the paper on top of their cages, but they aren't eating it, just ripping it up. Would love to see some pictures of Boris if you have any to sharing. Karma to you for taking in an older grey!

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Josey will rip up newspaper when she gets the chance to but I keep a grill in the bottom of her cage so she can't get that but she sometimes gets to it in other places, she tears it up and sometimes she rolls a ball of it around in her beak before dropping it on the floor.

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hey there! My parrot was munching on a newspaper while i let him out of his cage the other day. I noticed him straight away but he wasn't happy i took it away from him! i'm not sure if he actually ate any or was just ripping it off but i guess newspaper is not good for him. For his cage i am using the pampers they sell for dogs since the size fit. They are a bit expensive since i need one a day but the cage feels and looks cleaner so i like them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

You should get a grill for your cage or if it came with one, use it. A bird who's walking arond the bottom of a cage can step in droppings and then pick at it with their beak in order to get it off.

Parrots don't eat newspaper. They shred the paper in small, tiny pieces and sometimes mouthe them and spit it out.

Newspaper ink was detoxified about 25 yrs ago and when that happened, it had nothing to do with birds.

The huge majority of people use newspaper because it's safe.

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