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Keel Bone Weight?


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Not sure if I spelled it correctly but, when you are feeling the Keel bone or breast bone etc? What are you looking for exactly to determine health and what not. Is it depth and sharpness? Also what is an ideal weight for a 2 yr old CAG female? I'm concerned my bird might be slightly underweight but not sure how I could weigh her and check without going to a vet and spending like 50 bucks which I'm sort of opposed to doing for financial reasons.


And assuming she was under weight what food(s) would be optimal to fatten her up in a healthy way?

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That particular bone runs downward on the breast. It shouldn't be sticking out from the breast. It can be felt but it shouldn't be prominent. Somewhat like a human leg bone. The bone can be obviosly felt down the leg but shouldn't be stuck out visually.

They is no ideal weight for a female or male grey. There's many differenly sized greys --small, medium and large framed. All have different weights.

There is no food that fattens up the grey species. If you're unsure about your bird's weight and size, you'll have to go to a vet to get the information even if it costs a certain amount of money.

There's greys that can weigh about 380 to 610 gms<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/01/07 20:16

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