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Hi Again


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Hey Everybody, Gosh, it's been forever since I've been online and there are so many changes and new stuff. It's great.


I just wanted to touch base and say hi to all my old friends. I've been going to school, finally finished and am now a Licensed Massage Therapist. When I wasn't in school I was studying so therefore I had to take some time off.


My flock is doing well. Baxter has really progressed and is really a totally different bird since I got him over 1 1/2 years ago. He went from a shy, non playing, keeping to him self type of grey to master of the house. His latest duties involve being our "Hall Monitor" He climbs from his cage, goes down the hall, stands in the doorway of the bathroom and just waits (for hours sometimes) till some unexpecting person decides to walk by and he jumps out at them. It's his favorite game now a days. :laugh: He also will peak his head around the door, just a little to see if anyone is coming. I think he thinks he is sneaking but we can clearly see that head poked out but we don't let on.


I was thrilled to see an Amazon Room. My Amazon Cooper is such a talker and a singer. He is the clown and life of the party.


Tigger my eclectus is still doing about the same. He learned a few more words but he's a quiet guy most of the time. Although he can shriek pretty loud a few times a day.


Bonkers My conure..or should I say my husbands Conure just turned into a little terror for me and my dog last June when he was going through hormone changes (I am assuming hormones) He always loved my husband and that didn't change but he took a strong disliking to me and our little maltese. He was dive bombing us both for awhile, now he only attacks the dog...because I stay away from him. He will bite me if I even try to go near him. This is sad for me because he is the sweetest little bird to my husband and he used to be sweet to me. Does anyone have any idea why this behavior is lasting this long and should I assume this is how it will be from now on? It's been about 8 months now. :dry:


At Christmas we took in a little plucker..a Meyer parrot. Thats why I checked in here...to get some advice. I read a real good post with some great info, especially from Dave. This poor thing was just dropped off at a pet store on the front steps when they were closed. The people found him with a note but all it said was he or she was 12 years old. It did have a partner with it but they sold that one. We took this one and named it Nemo. He or she plucks it's belly, it's back and top of both wings. Nemo had down feathers on his chest when we brought him home but he plucked all them out in just a couple days and he's back down to almost a bare chest again...I do see a few downs coming back in though.


I have been taking it in the shower with me and soaking him down. It's seems when I put the gel on him, it drives him nuts and he plucks more. I just put gel on him this morning and he's plucking on my shoulder right now and just dropping the little downs off. sigh... I think I am just going to use the Aloe Vera juice from now on.

I've been taking it slow since I know he's not settled in yet and hope he will settle in soon.


That's my story for today...I'm sorry, my posts are always so long. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi to everyone.

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Well hello! It's nice to hear about your birds :) Congrats on being a Massage Therapist! I've never gotten a massage lol, they are so expensive!


Baxter sounds like real fun :P

I'm sorry about Bonkers, hope he comes round for you!


That's awesome that you took in Nemo, I'm sure he will start letting those feathers come back now that he is in your care, after he settles in a bit :)

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It's about time you dropped in and said hi again!!


Jesus, talk about just falling off the edge of the earth, only to show back up as a Massage Therapist....Congratulations!!


That took a lot of time and hard work to accomplish with all the other duties you have daily.


Thanks for the great update on all your flock and kudos to you for taking that Meyers in. :-)


Please post more often now. I hear typing is good therapy for "Massagists" fingers to keep them all nice and limber. :P


Sorry, yes I still have a sense of humor!!!


GreYt to see your post!!!!

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Hi Erika, its so nice to see you back on the forum again, you have been missed even though we have been keeping up with one another on facebook.


Congrats on getting a meyer's parrot, you know we want to see some pictures now don't you so where are they?:laugh: :whistle: :lol:

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It's good to hear from all of you again, too and nice to meet a few new friends. It's good to see that Dan hasn't lost that sense of humor:P. Gosh I did miss that. I guess I did kind of drop off the planet.


I will try to be on a little more. I can't wait to check all the changes since I've been away especially that amazon room. Any chance we can get an Eclectus, Conure & Meyer parrot rooms added on, too? :whistle:


I'll try to round up a few pictures of my fids. It's good to be back.

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