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Yuki is home


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Hi Everyone,

I posted previously in the Welcome room about the 2yr old African grey that I was adopting. Well, today I picked Yuki up and so far she seems to be doing well. She is a little scared and nervous I can tell but she does't back away when I come near and she seems content to have me sit with her.


I have a couple questions, She has been preening her feathers, and after all that I have read about feather plucking I was really nervous when she started. When she went from her travel cage to her cage she sorta flew in so I noticed some of her feathers got a little ruffled. When she's preening she's going down her tail feathers, rubbing her head at the base of her tail(I think I read there is an oil glan there?) and her chest and back, and there's maybe one or two down feathers on the floor. She is my first bird so is this normal preening? she shows no signs of plucking, am I overreacting?


My second question is sometimes when I'm talking to her she's standing on one foot. I don't remember reading anything about this and I don't think that her foot is sore because it's not always the same foot. I wasn't sure if it was just something greys did? or if she's telling me to back off?


I'm going to try and get a couple pics of her tonight, I would be greatful for any advice:)



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Not to worry. Sounds like Yuki is just settling in. She just arrived to her new home so she is primping. Right now my grey is molting as are a lot of our greys so I really don't think you have anything to worry about. As for standing on one foot my grey, Ana Grey, does that when she is comfortable. Some sleep that way with one foot up. So relax and enjoy your new grey. Can't wait to see some pictures. Karma to you for taking in an older grey.

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Thanks so much luvparrots! I feel like I can breath easy now. Wouldn't you know my camera battery is dead:( so I'm not so patiently waiting for it to charge.

Meanwhile I tried giving her a grape(her previous owner said they were her favorite) and she took it from my hand. It was through the bars as I havn't wanted to go into the cage yet, but I am so happy. She had a couple more and then some Apple which she liked to chew on and then throw to the bottom of the cage. I am so glad that she is eating and seems to be settling in well.

Many thanks to everyone here for all the great advice and info.

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It certainly sounds like a promising start. Our first few days were spent warily watching and standing like a statue. If she is preening and standing on one foot, it sounds like she has confidence and is comfortable. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/training/109373-body-language-most-frequently-seen.html This is a good post about body language. Standing on one foot is normal too, they draw one foot up under the feathers and keep it warm and often switch out. Sometimes when I pick Java up she has one very warm foot and one cold foot. I love her name, take Yuki's lead and relax with her. ;) It keeps getting better and better.

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I agree with the others - Yuki sounds like she's settling in just nicely!


I think we all go through the initial dread when our babies preen and it's always "plucking". Harvey's one year old now and has plucked, had a chest infection, had a broken wing, leg, neck, swollen tongue - the list goes on! Don't panic - the diagnoses listed above weren't real - all in my head!! There hasn't been anything wrong with Harvey!!!


We all go through it - you're just now "part of the gang".


Can't wait to see some pictures x

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Can't wait to see some photos :) She seems to be doing extremely well if you have only had her this short time!


This forum contains lots of information to go through, it helped me out a lot with my Timneh Yoshi... although Yoshi isn't my first bird :P


I'm glad you are taking it slow... good luck to you and your new fid!

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Thanks Katana600 and Jillybeanz, it's good to know I'm not alone in being a nervous parent:) Thanks to Danmcq, she, jessdecutie18 and judygram too.

After waiting for the battery to charge, I tried to take a pic but my camera has a red light that comes on and it really scared Yuki. I tried turning the flash off but it still happens. So, I took a few pictures on my phone which she was still a little nervous about. She seems to be quite happy right now pigging out in her food dish. The pictures are not the best quality, but I hope you all enjoy.









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Awwww Yuki is just gorgeous! Karma to you for rehoming a baby that needed a new forever home! Trust me, I have had my bird since April and I still freak out all the time. I spent 200.00 taking him to the vet once because I was worried his poop had a few bubbles in it and nothing was wrong but it was money well spent so I could relax lol He hates the vet even though the man is very nice and good with him. I spent over $600.00 in the first 3 months probably because I freaked out over every little thing. I am sure Shaka zulu was like would you just chill I am fine! lol It is always better to be safe than sorry though. I did the same thing about the standing on one foot. I asked the vet if his feet were ok because he curled them up alot. They were fine hehe It just takes a little while to see what is normal behaviour for them. Now I know how his poop should look, and how he stands etc and I only freak if something is abnormal behaviour, usually anyways :P Enjoy your new baby!!

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