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Abby is offically comfortable!


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Well when I first posted on this site about my Abbys talking or lack of it around me it was well assumed that she was just getting adjusted and what not. Well now its just obvious that she prefers to talk for my wife but not me,come out of her cage for me but not her lol. Like she has split her bonding with both of us but never with both of us in the same room .... she will talk for my wife but not when im in the room (at first it was when she knew I was not home now its just when im not it the room lol )and she wont come out of her cage for my wife but she will do just about any thing for me even with my wife in the room .... so I have only got to hear her talk like 3 times tops .... this makes me so sad ... I praised her so much when I heard her talk but only got that one word out of her .... should I kind of ignore her maybe I hate to do this but maybe she is happy with the attention that she gets from me and wont talk for that reason .... I know everyone says patience is the name of them game but Over all Abby and I are leaps and bounds ahead of the game with her length of time she has been here and I guess I am just always just searching for that next new bit of knowledge how ever it may be aquired.

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Wait until she tries to show her undying love by puking on you lol That is what mine does almost daily. Thank god he never really gets anything out but he tries. I think Abby is probably talking because you are not in the room thinking that it will bring you to her. Shakazulu will talk in front of me and does it all the time, but when I leave the room is when he really gets going and it is because he is trying to lure me back with his cuteness and 9 out of 10 times it works :P


Glad to hear things are going so well for you and Abby!

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Well peanuts peeked her interest today made her go nuts in her cage and while the door was open she would come out and then keep her body in and stretch her head out as far as she could to get it and did a lot of simple chips and high pitch whistles so we will see where we can go with this.

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It is wonderful for you that in the short time you have had Abby she is trusting and wants to be with you, I just love that. Our three year old parrot hardly said anything for so long I din't think she was capable of speech. Then, I started reading the forum and watching videos and she saw me laughing at the antics of other birds and started talking. While Juno was here, I heard her talk more in six weeks than the rest of the time we have had her. It could be the rival aspect, I thought she was just exceptionally happy. I wouldn't advocate to withhold your attention from Abby to get her to speak, but if you were doing something with her and let her see you enjoy something else as well, it would be interesting to see if she would pursue your undivided attention and give you what you want at the same time... LOL, now that is what I would call a win-win situation. Enjoy.

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It's really good to hear that Abby is settling in with you so quickly, but there is plenty of time for more improvement. Alfie is almost two and talks all over the place, but never when I ask her to!!:laugh: A relatively easy thing to teach is to get them to wave for a treat - that way you can ask her to do something for you and let her know that good things happens when she obliges!

I'm with Dee on not ignoring her though - Abby sounds so sweet, how could you possibly??!!!!:laugh:

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