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Best thing for poop?


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OK I know it happens to everyone well almost everyone, your bird poops on the side of the cage and you don't see it or have been gone all day and next thing you know its caked on to the cage at the bottom between the bars. Not the removable grate to keep them from getting to the paper or poop tray but on the door and sides the actual cage part. So my question is this ... if I am going to take the time today to take Abby's cage all the way apart what is the best thing to use to clean it .... just good old hot water and elbow grease? Or is there some magic house hold product that makes it easier? I cleaned most of her cage (actually my wife did bless her heart Abby doesn't even like her and she still did it to get on her good side )but still have a few spots yet and some of this poop was the worst to get off took hours my wife said! Thanks for your help on what to use and not to use and what works and what doesn't! I am sure everyone else will appreciate it too.

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First get a paper towel and grab the hardened droppings and pull them off wherever they are and dump them. Then get a spray bottle and fill it with 50% vinegar and 50% water. Spray on the areas where the droppings were. Leave alone for about 15 minutes. Then take a paper towel and wipe that area off. Many people clean their whole cage off with that solution whether there's droppings or not. The bird can handle the smell but if you feel uncomfortable, put the bird somewhere else. It'll dry pretty quickly. Vinegar is safest. Commercial cleaners are the worst and also toxic.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/01/06 19:00

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I clean my whole cage once a week and just the bottom and food and water holders every day and I find that just really hot water and a little scrubing brush works great and for really really stubborn bits i use some wash up liquid. Just make sure to rinse it really well after :) you can also but cage cleaner solution In the pet shop which might be worth getting if all else fails

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