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Are juices bad for Stazel?


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Last night she stuck her head in my 100% grape juice cup and took a taste.


I was wondering if its okay, or even healthy for her that she did? Could I give her orange juice or grape juice as a treat? I was thinking i'd freeze it into ice.


It surprised me, she HATES purple. She won't try anything purple, and when she's done eating her pellots, purple is the only color left. Ha

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Juices and fruits are fine as long as they're given in moderation. Fruits aren't as important to a parrot as much as vegetables are. Basically, most fruit is acidic and serves no real purpose other than variety so once or twice a week is fine.

As a fluid? Usually, solid pieces of fruit are not as messy but a small amount of juice is okay. Remember that most pure *natural* juices are missing certain things during processing such as the pulp from an orange,the skin from a grape etc.

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