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CAG Balance Probs

Guest yuck

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I have taken Shadow to the vets on Friday and he is keeping him in till he gets some results back.

The problem with him was that his balance had gone to pot, so after a few weeks of him being on antibiotics the vet has now done a calcium test and an xray and has ruled out those problems.

The Vet is now telling us that he may have a problem with his liver :-( the vet didnt mention anything inspecific)

Has anybody any experience with this and if so what possiblities am I looking at for liver problems?


thanx all


a Worried Ben & Karen...

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Guest javacrypto

Oh I am so VERY VERY sorry to hear this and sorry for the grief you are now feeling...I hope that your pain soon becomes joy at the fond memories you have of your years with Shadow.


Again, my sincere condolences.

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Guest bennyguy

I"m really sorry Ben. That must have been very hard for all of you. It sounds like you made the best decision for Shadow, and its good to know he's not suffering anymore.

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Guest boatman

thanx again guys,


he seems a little better today but still worse that he was before we took him in, just hopeing...


Ive had a look at a few sites about PDD and from the symtoms Im prettry sure its not that as all his food is digested properly and he doesnt seem to have lost any weight (if anything has put it on)

Anyway will keep you posted.

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Guest javacrypto

Just a couple of questions...did the vet do a workup (blood tests and cultures mainly) before he first prescribed the antibiotics so he could treat a specific problem? Were his liver enzymes ok at that time? Did he do another workup on Friday, for the sake of comparison? Did he specifically target the liver in his radiographs to determine if its size?


There are different types of liver disease, causative agents are usually viruses, bacterial infections, or diet related. But of all the major organs to have problems, if you have to have one the liver may be the least of all evils. It does regenerate, and the disease can sometimes be reversed if the cause can be found and eliminated, and supportive therapy is supplied.


Please let us know as soon as you hear anything ok? Your worry is understandable, I hope you get your answers soon so that you and your vet can begin working on the solution.

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