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PDD in our life


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Juno's pathology reports came back to show that he died from PDD. Dave has a good thread here in the health room with a description. The tragic part of this disease is how difficult it is to diagnose, treat or understand prior to the death of a bird. Even with crop biopsies, if the actual tissue taken does not have the lesion, a negative result may not mean the bird is unaffected. We did use good quarantine methods with Java over the time Juno was with us, and removed everything Juno had touched as soon as he passed away. Our hope is that Java's immune system is strong, she is in good health and she may not be affected. However, I will have to treat her as if she has been exposed and now could be a carrier. We can't bring another bird into our home as long as we have Java. The suspected methods of transmission by airborne bacteria are short-lived, so as long as I don't bring a bird in, I shouldn't spread anything elsewhere, but will keep this in mind if I visit anyone's home where they have birds.

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Dee this is sad news. I pray that Java isn't in any danger - as Sheila has said, your girl will get any attention she needs.

Dave's post on pdd is a good one.




Thank you for continuing your forum presence - I'm sure I speak for many here when I say you are a much loved member of the forum.


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I'm so sorry about Juno :/ At least you still have Java!


If the transmission of bacteria is 'short-lived' (if Java even is a carrier) then can't you just wait a while and then eventually get another Grey? I know there will still be a hole in your heart for your Juno, but maybe another grey would be nice? :)

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I'm glad you decided to post this Dee ~ I know it must be hard to relive it.


We all shared in Juno's short life and the struggles you had to understand why he was ill - at least now you have closure and know the cause, and know there was nothing you could have done any differently to sway a different outcome.


I know you'll stay a member - you have "another bird" for the "Other Birds" Room anyway - so no excuses!!!


Java will be fine - your quarantining showed just how important such measures are when introducing new animals into our homes.


One tip though Dee - don't go closing that closet of many magical containments just yet - you never know what might need its contents one day.........:)

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Dee, it is very brave of you to post this as it must be upsetting for you, however every publicised case makes us more aware of this disease so thank you for doing this.


Lyn is quite right you are a valued member of this forum and we will all look forward to reading updates on Java.

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Thanks everyone. This journey with Juno has been magical regardless of the outcome. It brought me to this forum and I treasure all of you and will continue to be part of it. I am glad to have gone the extra mile with Juno and have hope that the tissue samples will be used to get a better scientific understanding of PDD. In my logic, Java has definitely been exposed but may never have had contact with the virus so my hopes are high for her. However, there is up to an eight year incubation from exposure to clinical signs in some birds. My promise is that I would rather be a one bird household being very careful not to transmit to anyone else than live with knowledge that we contributed to anyone else's bird being taken too soon. It does give me great consolation that we were careful and observed quarantine and it was a great blessing that Juno didn't suffer. We don't know what the future will bring with the current research, perhaps there will be a testing procedure that will change things. I do know for certain that I wouldn't trade my time with Juno, I have learned great things about myself in the process and my heart is still open to joy and caring for all of you and your birds too.

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katana600 wrote:

This journey with Juno has been magical regardless of the outcome. I have learned great things about myself in the process and my heart is still open to joy and caring for all of you and your birds too.


What a beautiful statement Dee! :-)


You have become such a "Family Member" here, that I can not imagine no longer seeing your wonderful posts and personality come out through them.


Thank you for posting this important information, through the life and death of Juno.

It will benefit all who read it.


It was "magical" for you both during that brief time, yet cherished by all here also.


We all shared laughs with you and tears for and with you.


I look forward to sharing more joyous events now as you continue on sharing your looked forward to comments and humor. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/06 21:23

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I will be doing a lot of research and work with our breeder, vet and organizations dedicated to PDD. I highly recommend you all not do too much looking into this just yet. There are many sad stories and much of the information is really quite old and bleak. There is some promising research, and I did find a link to some folks who are raising money through another passion in my life, quilting, of all things. I am deeply involved and committed to understanding this and if I find links that are helpful, I will pass them along.

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I know I feel like Juno was a magical part of the forum, I along with everyone else waited in anticipation months in advance of his homecoming and went thru the learning process with you Dee after you brought him home. His life may have been very short but what he brought to your life will never be forgotten, he was a precious gift and in his death there may come some knowledge that could help one day in preventing it from being the fate of another bird's demise.


You are part of this forum family, everyone knows that owning a grey is not a prerequiste, just a love for them and you certainly have that. You have much to tell us and I consider you one of my closest forum friends, my gosh you are one of the Bernie babes and babes stick together thru thick and thin.

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