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Hanging Bamboo and Pvc Gym


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Thanks you all. I dont have much else to do so i keep myself occupied by doing this.

Materials was homedepotfor the pvc, hobby lobby craft store for the bamboo. Wiffle balls the good old Dollar Store my beads were online and the cotton rope was from the feed store and also the vet wrap. Originally i made a bamboo gym for my green wing macaw but he split the bamboo in no time so i re-cycled it and made it for the smaller birds. Hope this helps. Lets see you all make them maybe a little different in design or whatever. Competition is on.:laugh:

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You really should sell that stuff. You don't have much to do so you can make loads of items and make some money. That item would sell for mucho money. Then you can give us a small percentage of the profits cause we gave you the idea. Of course, you'll need an agent and you'll need to apply for a patent. You should think of a snappy name for your products and away we go. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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You're the designer, the artist, the creator, the stylist, the one with the vivid imagination.

You'll be well known throughout the bird world. You'll be able to write a book about DIY toy making.


Just remember, the people are waiting!!!

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