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I am thoroughly enjoying this thread. I grew up in Pennsylvania and have seen six feet of accumulated snow on the ground. I have also lived in the desert where it only rained three times in as many years. It has been chilly in Georgia, but I still miss the big snow drifts. My husband says it is easy to miss it when I stayed inside to watch him shovel the snow. LOL. The pictures are beautiful.

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Forecasters said the worst-hit areas have been central southern England and parts of the South West, with counties affected including Surrey, parts of Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire.

The Met Office said it had received reports that between 14in and 16in of snow had fallen in parts of north-west Surrey by the early hours of Wednesday.

Parts of northern England and Scotland already hit hard by snow earlier in the week have also registered further snowfalls, with reports of around 12in in north-east England and the Scottish Borders by Wednesday morning.



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Supernova wrote:

Forecasters said the worst-hit areas have been central southern England and parts of the South West, with counties affected including Surrey, parts of Buckinghamshire,


Where do the stupid forecasters think the snow's come from! Up here, UP NORTH!! I've just been out with the ruler and there's 7 inches in my back garden.


Anyway, back to me! I need counselling! I have decided that tomorrow (due to more heavy snow this afternoon, and more expected overnight) that after this morning's carry on that I shall get a pauper carrier (a bus). The last time I was on a bus, well, it was years ago! I don't do public transport - I have the type of persona where everyone talks to me and tells me about their family life and problems!! Also, there's always someone who stinks, and the annoying twit with the headphones too loud so the whole place can hear that annoying "tss, tss, tss" from his drum and bass on his I pod!!!


So, I've dug out the boots (the heels will be put in a bag) and my waterproof coat and hat (I'm going to look incredibly gorgeous) and at 06.15 hours tomorrow I shall be waiting at the bus stop with the snowman that's been built inside it!!!



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JillyBeanz wrote:



You tell it Jill! How dare it keep snowing when you've already asked for tropical weather nicely!!

Cheeky fekking weather!!:laugh:


Any news on when you will be getting your children back?

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Oh - and Bernie - Cumbria has run out of grit and is using sea pebble stone chippings!! My local Asda has run out of salt and people are starting to use cat litter on their paths!!!! What's going on!!! :)
CAT LITTER? I used Tiggs as a broom to sweep the snow away, he had gone stiff, his tail makes a good handle.
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I did it! I got the bus!!! Well, what a trauma to the system - first I had to WALK to the bus stop and STAND and WAIT in the snow, for this thing to come along that had OTHER PEOPLE on it! I had to sit next to ANOTHER PERSON! I'm here though!!! Ha Ha!!!


It's still quite deep here - and Northumberland has nearly run out of grit - so can I borrow Tiggs for tomorrow Bernie!!!!!

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pearllyn wrote:

Lol - not this chihuahua owner - little dogs in dresses make us :angry:


I agree! And those in handbags! What's that all about!!


I've got over the bus trauma for now - but I am getting the Metro to the stop nearest Michael's work and he's picking me up from there (we both have matching cars, so one is as bad as the other - but he is on the flat!) - I don't mind the Metro as much! ;)


My employers have just issued the Met Office warning for more snow, more ice and more snow and more ice - worst nearest the coast!!!

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Supernova wrote:

Nice idea but people here don't even talk to each other.



Ha Ha! You're not wrong Bernie!! Bit like my street!!!!


Well, the thermometer is now reading -7 here. I've just made my wild bird food up for tomorrow (as if I don't have enough mouths to feed)!!


Great idea though Janet - I take it you received the beer ~ you didn't give it away ;)

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